I have an office with some mikrotiks, just 20 people.
Main router is a RB2011UiAS-2HnD (firmware version 6.48.1) with CAPsMAN enabled.
This router has 2 ISP (50MB and 30MB) in a simple failover setup (different distances)
CAPsMAN manage 6 AP:
an RB2011UiAS-2HnD,
two RB951G-2HnD and
three RB951Ui-2HnD (all of them with firmware 6.48.1)
All RB are connected to an unmanaged gigabit switch, using Cat6 cable.
I have two SSID (WORK and GUESTS) both on channel1 configured in CAPsMAN
I'm getting really slow performance over WiFi.
An Example: using my laptop wifi, next to the router, testing with speedtest.net site, I get between 5 to 10MB.
With my laptop, connected by ethernet cable directly to router, testing with speedtest.net site, I get 50MB.
With my android phone also get slow speed.
Any hint?
Should I split WORK and GUESTS SSID in different channels?
I analyzed WiFi channel rating and channel1 (2412) is best option. channel 6 and 11 are overcrowded.