is there a minimum recommended distance for nRay 60G PtP links? We installed one at just 200m and it won't hold maximum TX rate at any frequency, even though RSSI is always around -50. At 58320 it won't even stay connected. 62640 seems best, but TX rate still rarely goes above 1540 and when it does, there's always 10-20% error rate. Could it be interference? Or faulty unit? But the strange thing is that the link acts the same in both directions, for example at the moment it's like this:
Code: Select all
connected: yes
frequency: 60480
remote-address: 08:55:31:29:7D:AA
tx-mcs: 2
tx-phy-rate: 770.0Mbps
signal: 20
rssi: -49
tx-sector: 62
tx-sector-info: right 0.8 degrees, up 0.6 degrees
distance: 208.72m
tx-packet-error-rate: 10%
Code: Select all
connected: yes
frequency: 60480
remote-address: 08:55:31:2D:0F:5E
tx-mcs: 2
tx-phy-rate: 770.0Mbps
signal: 20
rssi: -51
tx-sector: 57
tx-sector-info: left 0.2 degrees, up 0.6 degrees
distance: 212.29m
tx-packet-error-rate: 12%