We have a RB2011UiAS-2HnD as the primary router/firewall for our office. We want to add 2 wifi ap's managed by CAPsMAN. I'm thinking for one point using the RBcAPGi-5acD2nD-US. But I was hoping to use another RB2011UiAS-2HnD, as the other AP because the device that is in that location now (and which needs to be replaced) has several network cables plugged into it. I'm certain the first should, but will the second? I haven't studied CAPsMAN enough yet, but I worry that maybe it only does Wifi, so the second AP will provide wifi internet, but not on the physical ports. The other option would be to buy 2 of the RBcAPGi-5acD2nD-US's and just add a hub in the same place.
Or perhaps someone has a much better suggestion?