This script will do automatic simple queue adding with child queue which is for bandwidth management using mangle rules.
But what I want is to automatically update everything with same user.
Ex. If I have 10mbps, then there are 2 users using the same credentials. I want them to have 5mbps each. even the child queues will be divided depends on how many devices where the user credential was used.
Code: Select all
# ********** \\\\\\\\\\ === On Login === ////////// ********** #
:local loginUser $user;
:local a "20000";
:local b "15000"
:local c "5000"
:local devices [/ip hotspot active print count-only where user="$loginUser"];
:set $a ($a/$devices);
:set $b ($b/$devices);
:set $c ($c/$devices);
/queue simple
add max-limit=($a."k/".$a."k") name=($loginUser." - ".$address) parent="Hotspot Connection" target=$address
add limit-at=64k/64k max-limit=($a."k/".$a."k") name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - speedtest") packet-marks=speedtest-pkt parent=($loginUser." - ".$address) priority=2/2 target=""
add limit-at=64k/64k max-limit=($b."k/".$b."k") name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - stream") packet-marks=streaming-pkt parent=($loginUser." - ".$address) target=""
add limit-at=64k/64k max-limit=($b."k/".$b."k") name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - all traffic") packet-marks=all-traffic parent=($loginUser." - ".$address) priority=3/3 target=""
add limit-at=64k/64k max-limit=($c."k/".$c."k") name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - mbl gaming") packet-marks=mobile-gaming-pkt parent=($loginUser." - ".$address) priority=1/1 target=""
add limit-at=64k/64k max-limit=($b."k/".$b."k") name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - pc gaming") packet-marks=pc-gaming-pkt parent=($loginUser." - ".$address) priority=1/2 target=""
:foreach QReset in=[/queue simple find active=$loginUser] do={
/queue simple
set $QReset max-limit=($a."k/".$a."k")
# ********** \\\\\\\\\\ === On Logout === ////////// ********** #
:local loginUser $user;
/queue simple
remove [find name=($loginUser." - ".$address)]
remove [find name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - speedtest")]
remove [find name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - stream")]
remove [find name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - all traffic")]
remove [find name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - mbl gaming")]
remove [find name=($loginUser." : ".$address." - pc gaming")]