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Multiple VPN tunnels + DoH - Issues

Mon May 24, 2021 4:25 pm

Hi All,

I run multiple VPN tunnels and also use DoH option. Here are some issues that I have.

1st issue:
If DoH option is enabled all resolving including VPNs (even with Exclusive use of responder's DNS) is done by DoH server. Is this by design? Should it be just like with "normal" DNS setting - non VPN traffic is resolved by designated server while VPN uses VPN provider DNS server?

2nd issue:
Is there a way to select DNS or even create hierarchy of resolving for multiple concurrent VPN tunnels? When DoH is not it use resolving is done by VPN DNS server. But when one is using multiple tunnels with Mangle pre-routing all resolving is done by the first (oldest) VPN tunnel's DNS established on MT. You can change servers by killing connections moving preferred to be the oldest one but if tunnel collapses than that DNS server goes to the last place.

My ultimate goal would be for VPN traffic to use proper DNS servers based on tunnel used - i.e. UK tunnel is using UK DNS while DE tunnel is using DE DNS. But I don't think it is possible. Any chance for Policy Based Routing \ Content Based Routing in the future?