... _Algorithm
Short diagram explaining Tocken Bucket algoritm,

Because in 10 seconds, you will have earned another 100M of tokens.i cant understand how seconds are calculated in the above example. why is 10s for 20mbps?
if 100mb traffic can pass through at an unrestricted speed, why is 20mbps for 10s?
is there an excel formula so we calculate easy how many mb or sec will be the burst result?
As shown in the documentation, prior to v6.35, it was hard-coded to 0.1.bucket size (0..10, Default:0.1) - queue option was added in RouterOS v6.35, before that it was hard-coded to a value of "0.1".
Does not the diagram say it has a burst limit and a burst limit at max, meaning they are giving out a range. And not something unlimited?does bucket size work to unlimited queues? Or i have to set limits? if not, it will very good feature to work under unlimited queues........ i think.
set burst time only, unlimited the other values and borrow buckets from parent for ex.
does this work?
[admin@GoranmarGW] > /queue tree add name=test_queue max-limit=10M limit-at=20M parent=global
failure: -max-limit less than -limit
[admin@GoranmarGW] >
We have made documentation for the new Token Bucket option, it is new exciting and powerful feature for queues and bandwidth limitation. Detailed information and configuration example are here, ... _Algorithm
Short diagram explaining Tocken Bucket algoritm,
I dont ! My point is HUGE error in logic of the algorithm. But the irony is even better, since queues are behaving almost as digram shows. In my 10+ years experience with ROS, limit-at value never had definitive and predictable effect on queue beheviour. It seems that what ever I wanted to acomplish with queues, the best way was trial/error method, since documentation like this above is not of help. Sadly...Why do you want to set limit-at higher than max-limit?
Max limit - Max bandwidth client can use;
Limit at - Is the minimum bandwidth which should be available for client if there are multiple connections from different clients at the same time.
Can I suggest some changes to that wiki?We have made documentation for the new Token Bucket option, it is new exciting and powerful feature for queues and bandwidth limitation. Detailed information and configuration example are here, ... _Algorithm
/ip firewall mangle
add chain=forward action=mark-connection connection-mark=no-mark src-address= connection-state=new new-connection-mark=pc1_conn
add chain=forward action=mark-connection connection-mark=no-mark dst-address= connection-state=new new-connection-mark=pc1_conn
add chain=forward action=mark-packet connection-mark=pc1_conn new-packet-mark=pc1_traffic
I am also thinking the same question that how will we get to manage this?So i have a question here: how bucket size will affect on accuracy of guarantees (such as limit-at and priority) for flow control? Will a larger bucket size damage the guarantees for higher priority queue due to token buffering of lower priority queue? Consider this example:
There are two queues: one for VoIP which needs a constant rate 1M, second for others which has rate 0-9M, the total bandwidth is 10M (suppose upper ISP dosen't provide buffering or burst), here we only consider upload.
/queue tree
add name=upload parent=Public max-limit=10M bucket-size=1
add name=voipup parent=upload packet-mark=voip priority=1 limit-at=1M max-limit=1M bucket-size=1
add name=othersup parent=upload packet-mark=others priority=8 limit-at=0 max-limit=9M bucket-size=1
1 second: queue voipup used 1M, queue othersup is idle, and its bucket filled with 9M tokens
2 second: queue voipup get 1M tokens, queue othersup get another new 9M tokens of vlone x off white, so if othersup begins full speed upload, it will have 18M tokens, and then there are total 19M tokens but only 10M limit upload rate, total 19M data will be passed to ISP, they may be dropped or queued by ISP router, if they have a fair competition, voipup may lose nearly half of its guaranteed rate.
if we set bucket-size=0.1, othersup will have 9.9M tokens at 2 second, there are still some effects but much slighter.
I made some tests for me, and it looks like it would work not as expected:We have made documentation for the new Token Bucket option, it is new exciting and powerful feature for queues and bandwidth limitation. Detailed information and configuration example are here, ... _Algorithm
Short diagram explaining Tocken Bucket algoritm,