Hi all,
after my PoC for a mobile AP using the LTAPmini in a very specific way proved to be a not so good concept, I now want to make use of the little box to:
a) increase WiFi coverage in my garden
b) use the LTE as the backup/failover to by DSL-based WAN
The configuration plan is to create a bridge, adding the wifi- and eth-interface and the vlan config, and to join capsman. That is basically the same configuration I have on my wAP and cAP. Where I'm stuck is the LTE part and I hope someone can give me a direction here. On my central Router (RB3011) I have a link to a fritzbox that provides the WAN-Connection. Similar to that, I now want to use "LTE-Device" to be able to switch routing on the RB3011 from the DSL-WAN (Fritzbox) to LTE. My thoughts: Create a second bridge, let's name it bridgeLTE, and add the LTE interface. Configure VLAN99 (Mgmgt-VLan) and VLAN88 (coming to that shortly) for this bridge and assign a IP_adress for that bridge in the VLAN88. On my central router (RB3011) I also would add a new VLAN88 which has the sole purpose to connect the LTAP/BridgeLTE with the RB3011-Bridge where the routing is done. I believe I then should be able to configure 2 routes (probably as failover) on the RB3011 to either route the traffic to the IP of the Fritzbox linked directly on ether1 or to the IP of the bridgeLTE in VLAN88.
My understanding is that when using the LTE-Modem in the LTAPmini, it receives an IP etc. from the LTE-Provider and this can be accessed via the routing on the bridgeLTE.
Did I miss something or is this a way to go?