/ip dns static
add forward-to= regexp=".*mynetname\\.net" ttl=10m type=FWD
This might help me locally, but not the users on networks I don't control.Mikroitk's revolvers are still working, you can add a conditional rule to get your resolution working again:
Code: Select all/ip dns static add forward-to= regexp=".*mynetname\\.net" ttl=10m type=FWD
Laziness, stupidity, bad staff. Tons of reasons, none of them are excusable lol. It's oddly common for some people to have this happen but it really doesn't take much to NOT let this happen.Question is how could this ever happen? When a domain is about to expire u receive TONS of freaking warning emails .
I simply dont get it how lazy handling that was...
I do not use this service and have plenty of failsafe options HOWEVER the home users aren't going to be doing this.@paintballer4lfe, as you write,
the biggest stupidity, laziness and "bad staff" are on user side who relies on only one service,
which can goes down like all the other services in the world ...
What I can say is just: you are right... but first must be check what happen really...You deserve to be fired if you ever fuck up like this lol.
I'm assuming it's from no payment and will be deleted if not received in xx days. However it is is for legal issues from some shady stuff hosted on it that's a big no no from mikrotik for not having any type of monitoring services checking subdomains for malicious activities and disabling them. Another reason for Mikrotik staff to be fired if they never had a system to do this and still don't today if that's the cause.What I can say is just: you are right... but first must be check what happen really...You deserve to be fired if you ever fuck up like this lol.
If for some reason some xxx.sn.mynetname.net is used for something illegal, the authority can ask the block of the DNS...
Not really, there's tools for this. You can also code your own solutions, nothing new. Especially if you just tie into the public DB's like Virustotal and scrape for subdomains. Very easy actually.Is really hard check the service for 100.000 and more DDNS provided...
That's pretty broken English. no clue what you mean "imagine if you are the person that forget that". Forget what? Deploying a simple system to monitor YOUR domains you subdomain to the public for any red flags via public services via an API that's publicly available? I'm not seeing a way to refute what I'm saying because there is no argument against a simple system like that.Probably is hard to reply to that...
Imagine if you are the person that forget that...
Probably the MikroTik team has great difficulty in finding a way to publicly respond to this...but I'd really like to have an official statement on this
No one has to imagine, they should be looking for new job if true. Pretty simple.Reply to @mitzone:Probably [MikroTik team] has a hard time answering this...but I'd really like to have an official statement on this
Imagine if you were the person who forgot [to renew the domain]...
It could be something beyond a simple payment. Legal troubles most likely if it's going to be a long outage, if it ever comes back up.why would this take so long for mikrotik to resolve? (i show atleaste 6hours its been down now)
the fix should be:
make payment on the expiration, and then the service is restored (ie dns NS servers pointed back to mikrotiks cloud infra). and ~ 10min for TTL to reset.
Yeah, but it's not much help to the thousands of people who have used this to provide VPN services to small business customers, nobody expected a Mikrotik Dyn DNS service to just go offline, If you build a feature in like this, it better bloody work.Side note though, plenty of alternative options besides ONLY relying on Tik DDNS.
God no...please reboot your router so we can all start using it againI raised a ticket with Mikrotik Support about this issue earlier.
Mikrotik Support asked me to reboot my router.
I hate to think the mynetname.net domain got suspended because I didn't reboot my router. /s
But only if you have access to the router from a local network.Mikroitk's revolvers are still working, you can add a conditional rule to get your resolution working again
nslookup -q=NS bXXXXXX.sn.mynetname.net
Nope. dnschecker.org not able to resolve any mynetname.net A records from any location.omg its working now
You want the A entry for bXXXXXX.sn.mynetname.net, but you are asking the server for the NS:Code: Select allnslookup -q=NS bXXXXXX.sn.mynetname.net
nslookup -q=A bXXXXXX.sn.mynetname.net
mynetname cloud names are currently still down. We are actively working on this issue. We are also working on how to prevent such issues in the future.
I am not sure but, so many people is using this service, but it remains mutualized, so... If someone did bad thing with that... Maybe it gets blacklisted ^^MikroTik @mikrotik_com
56 min
Yes, we are working on that. But it's not related to forgotten payment or renewal
Same on facebook. Yet no info here for us actively looking for any feedback since yesterday...They have it on twitter https://twitter.com/mikrotik_com
mynetname cloud names are currently still down. We are actively working on this issue. We are also working on how to prevent such issues in the future.
see above .... they chosen twitter to inform us about it......my guess if there is any, then it would mentioned thereDoes anybody have an ETA?
yes, something like that. and now registrar needs actual proof that malware is removedKlembord-2.jpg
Thnx for the update. Please let the world know if it was a false positive or that there really was malware (if so which)yes, something like that. and now registrar needs actual proof that malware is removed
That is the way to go if it's business critical, so you have control over the fix. (or at least have that as backup)(Note: I use my own ddns provider and was not impacted)
Yes,I found a script that worked. Then create a schedule. Now mine points to no-ip.com and services are restored.You can use your own, there are many examples right here on the forum
By adding these 2 NS to my local DNS as a conditional forward i am now able to resolve the 30 devices i have in the field. At least im not dead in the water till the problem is resolved.Mikroitk's revolvers are still working, you can add a conditional rule to get your local resolution working again:
Code: Select all/ip dns static add forward-to= regexp=".*mynetname\\.net" ttl=10m type=FWD