Dude v6 - SMS notifications
1. Mikrotik ROS with installed Dude server.
2. Account on smspilot.ru
Setup instruction
1. Create new Notification in Dude
Name: SMS-Notification-smspilot.ru
Type: execute on server
Code: Select all
# Variables
:local notificationtext "Service [Probe.Name] on [Device.Name] is now [Service.Status]"
:local url "http://smspilot.ru/api.php"
:local apikey "154YCR22XL9IS4UR8YRO7GFQ81PGN6Z3OD1BXY726N854S52I3046CZ0R8JXR2SH"
# First Name Last Name
:local to "+xxxxxxxxxxx"
/tool fetch output=none url="$url\?apikey=$apikey&to=$to&send=$notificationtext"
2. Now you can use it: Related Wiki topics
Hope this will help someone.