You may simply sniff your Traffic Flow packets and check with WireShark if there are postNATSourceIPv4Address, postNATDestinationIPv4Address, postNAPTSourceTransportPort and postNAPTDestinationTransportPort fields.
I've done this recently and can confirm v9 DOES have these field populated.
Captured on a RB3011 running 4.46.6
Now IPFIX *HAS* bugs, I've opened a ticket but euh ... no real resolution. There is a serious issue with the time-references in these packets.
There appears to be a bug in how the timestamps are crafted in those IPFIX packets: field types 21 (flowEndSysUpTime) and 22 (flowStartSysUpTime), that is start and end times relative to the SysUpTime of the device, except IPFIX - that is a difference with NetFlow v9 - has no provision to send SysUpTime as part of its header. So Absolute times should be used instead in IPFIX.
When capturing IPFIX I see things like
1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000,3,208,,232,38310,tcp,2020-06-19 12:12:58.000000,
1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000,2,208