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eMule upload queue OK, but downloads problems

Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:14 pm

MKT people, i am tryng to limit eMule trafic in a samall home enviroment.

The best DSL line i can get is a 1024 kbps download and 128kbps upload.

The eMule client in working really great whit 10kbps upload and 100kbps download, but the internet conection is going realy slow with this settings.

I create a simple queue limiting the upload to 32kbps, the rule works great and the upload goes down, but i can`t figure it out why the downloads is going down.

Whit the rule off, the upload is always at 10kbps, and download goes trought 80 or 90 kbps, when the queue is active the upload is 3kbps, but the downloads goes to 1 or 2 kbps and never goes faster than that.

I don`t knok if there is an eMule client limitation or if the MKT is filtering some type of traffic that turn the download speed really slow.

Thanks a lot in advance for you answers.