Sun Feb 06, 2022 11:15 pm
GPON (Gigbabit Passive Optical Network) SFPs in general are different to normal optical transceivers. GPON is a shared medium and requires special encription and time sliceing for media access. GPON SFPs conatain local intelligence handling all this low level stuff autonomiously while appearing as a normal SFP+ transceiver towards to host.
I have two RB5009 running with GPON SFPs (OEM'd by the ISP, dont know the actual brand). If the GPON SFP is configured to run 2.5GB on the host XMII using a special tool, I have to disable autoneg on sfp-sfpplus1 and fix the rate to 2.5GB.
This works, except the 2.5GB reliability issues RB5009 has in general with ROS 7.1.1. But this is a different issue not related to spcific SFPs.
I dont know the CSS326-24G-2S+. If WebUI nor CLI provides an option to fix SFP+ rate to 2.5GB, I'm afraid your out of luck until MT provides a SwOS update allowing it.
The specs does only mention 1G and 10G support for SFP+ ports. So it is possible the HW can not do 2.5GB at all. (2.5G and 5G are more recent standards, released later than 10G ).