On a remote site, I've got a central CCR2004 connected to two Netpower16P.
All 3 devices includes S+RJ10 modules.
On one Netpower 16P, I've just discovered an "auto disabled due to overheating" message.
1. What does "disabled" mean in this context as I needed the disabled/overheating module to remotely look at the Netpower 16P web interface and this interface seemed effective ?
Does this mean some traffic but not all, is discarded as long as temperature exceeds a certain value ?
2. When comparing two Netpowers, I saw one negociated a 5Gb/s rate while the other (when not overheating) one used a 10Gb/s rate.
The strange thing is that all four SFP+ interfaces have the same Advertise settings:
checked values: 10M half/full, 100M half/full, 1000M half/full
unchecked values: 2.5G full, 5G full, 10G full
Anyway, how can I control the outcome of Autoneg and force 2.5G or 5G ?
3. From experience, have you met a case where 10G gave overheating issues while 5G gave none ?
Best regards
How can you force 5 Gb/s