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Help with setting up usermanger with hotspot

Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:04 pm

I know this has to be easy but I just can understand this part. I am setting up a hotspot to use the user manager and do payments through pay pal. I feel I understand and have everything set up except getting it to come up to where the customer makes a payment with us when they want to use it. How do I get to the page for the user manager that the customers will get to to make a payment with me? I would appreciate any help that anybody can give me.

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Re: Help with setting up usermanger with hotspot

Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:08 am

Please refer to Wiki user manager payment section ... r_payments
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Re: Help with setting up usermanger with hotspot

Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:38 pm

I am understanding most of that but when I can't see to find or figure out is how someone who has never been on the system before sets up an account and pays for a day or however long.

Thank you
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Re: Help with setting up usermanger with hotspot

Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:58 am

well i dont know if i understand what you mean, how ever using paypal and CC is a grate feature in Microtik Routers.
But, is it practical for your senario!? That’s another story.

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Re: Help with setting up usermanger with hotspot

Tue May 20, 2008 12:18 pm


i am struggling at the exact same situation. what i try to do ist the following:

a randum person comes along with a wireless device (pda, laptop etc.), the person has no username and login. i want that person to be able to use the hotspot by using paypal for payment. how does the person get access to any website to perform the payment. yes i know about walled garden, but then i still have the person only surfing to those websites, still i have not received a payment. i might have a general problem of understanding here i guess. i have read the payment section of the wiki a number of times now.

i am expecting a website that comes up when the user is trying to surf that will ask him for the amount of time he wants to buy and then get to a site where the actual payment is done.

i cant seem to see how that works.

any help is very appreciated.

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Re: Help with setting up usermanger with hotspot

Tue May 20, 2008 1:25 pm

okay, i have found the missing piece in the puzzle: its the sign-up thing.

thats sorted now.
