Hello please I am thinking how to have multiple users sharing the same bandwidth.
I have a RB133C that is the client, connected to a bridged network (802.11/x), the focal point of the network is the Hotspot service running ROS on a dedicated AMD based PC ( DHCP-SERVER too ), athentications are made with Radius server ( freeradius ).
I have a customer that has several employees and for security reasons each has a username and password to enter our network.
We sold a 640Kbit connection that should be shared between all these clients.
We configured RB133c as DHCP-CLIENT, thus we have one IP address, and all the internal clients, on the other ethernet interface, are masqueraded.
To achieve this goal is my intention to do this:
1) make the client address STATIC on DHCP server
2) create a simple queue with 640k limit with the address of the client
3) bypass that address on the hotspot
At this point all clients are free to surf the network, not good!!!
The only way to prevent this is to activate the Hotspot service on client RB133c and to have all the usernames locally defined.... No good, we have a centralized radius server... At this point I have no other ideas, please someone can help me?
Sorry for the description, it should be better, but if someone wants more details or configurations, I will paste on this page.
Best regards