You stated "you have to know the limitations of the OpenVPN implementation in RouterOS and respect these limitations when configuring the other side (Windows in your case)". So, where can I read a concise document that clarifies those limitations? I agree I should know about them.
Unfortunately, no one-stop shopping - there are multiple threads here at the forum, one of them is the years-lasting woe regarding the limitations. Only TCP transport, no compression, no route pushing from server to client... google "openvpn" for more. 7.1 is a bit better (at least UDP transport is supported), never dug into the details.
For Win10 PCs, bare IKEv2 seems superior to me as it supports route pushing, and the manual describes it quite clearly and completely, even mentioning some firewall rules if I remember well. But if you want to do it the way certificates were intended to be used, you cannot generate certificates for clients at the Mikrotik and export them along with the private key as the manual suggests - instead, you should properly generate a certificate request at the Windows and let the certification authority (which may be the Mikrotik) only sign them. That way, the private key to the certificate never leaves the machine that will use it.
And it's not an iPhone (never used that term), but IP Phone. It is set up with a preshared key.
Funny, I was quite surprised why should you connect an iPhone to a PBX, but it didn't make me re-read the line
Needless to say I deal with IP phones almost daily but very rarely with iPhones.
Thing is, you don't know how a firewall works, until you get started and try and try again. So, I'm in that stage.
And that's the point, you should first pass that quest without the VPN, and only then add VPN to the mix.
Anyway, the IP phone with a pre-shared key IPsec is probably a bare IKE(v1) then, not L2TP over IPsec? This can interfere with Windows' L2TP/IPsec setup if the phone requires a different
/ip ipsec profile contents than the Windows' native VPN client; while you can permit multiple encryption algorithms and multiple DH groups in a single profile, you have to choose only a single hash algorithm, so it has to be the same for all remote peers connecting to the same local one. And even if this doesn't stop the show, you have to use a single
/ip ipsec identity row for all Windows L2TP/IPsec clients of the same local peer as the ID provided by the Windows VPN client acting as initiator cannot be used to distinguish the clients from one another. Plus there is the "multiple L2TP/IPsec clients cannot be connecting from behind the same public IP" problem, plus no route pushing.
But at the responder (Mikrotik) side, an IKE(v1) peer and an IKEv2 peer may listen at the same address and port and the initial request from the initiator is handled by the proper one because RouterOS distinguishes by contents of that initial packet which peer to use. So even if you've only got a single public IP, you can make both the Windows clients and your IP phone use IPsec.
Posting your config (anonymized as per my automatic signature below) is the best way to answer the question regarding the particular VPN configuration for the IP phone.
Regarding 7.1 - it's in "testing" stage; even Mikrotik's naming of the "stable" stage as such is considered an exaggeration by many forum users, so I wouldn't recommend the (two days old!) 7.1 for anything but lab testing. That excludes both OpenVPN over UDP and Wireguard from consideration.
If no mysterious reboots and memory leaks are reported here for a month, I may change my opinion.