Hi, I'm a bit of a novice and I would really appreciate some help. I have setup a mikrotik router (2.9.46) to provide internet access to internal users via a pppoe internet connection established by the mikrotik router using NAT. Everything works cool all users on internal NATed network can access the internet without issues. I have also setup a dstnat rule to forward requests from the public internet ip to an internal webserver:
chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=80
in-interface=Internet dst-port=8000 protocol=tcp
Our external ip is a dynamic ip. I have setup dyndns using the changeip script. Everything up to here works perfectly (external users can access the internal webserver using the dyndns name).
What i can't get right is allowing internal users (mobile users with notebooks that periodically come to the office) to access the internal webserver using the external ip that is associated with the dyndns name. ie. they should be able to connect to the web site from anywhere in the world and on the local network using the same url.