I have a Mikrotik setup as IKE VPN server as described below. Testing with an android phone as client (using StrongSwan) succeeds and works great, but using the exact same config & certs on a Win10 machine yields "Credentials are unacceptable" error on the client. With limited access to an external network at work, I'm trying to diagnose this from the WIn10 side exclusively tonight at home. My Win10 uses MS client / IKE / Certificate authentication / UN & PW blank.
My server (DNS name vpn.mydomain.com) contains certs for:
1. "mydomain CA" (certificate authority), LT, since i run my own CA
2. "vpn-client-group-1", KT, this is the cert the client is connecting with (with Key on this end)
3. "vpn.mydomain.com", KT, this cert has Alt name DNS:vpn.mydomain.com (and includes key)
My client contains certs for:
1. "mydomain CA" (certificate authority), LT, since i run my own CA
2. "vpn-client-group-1", KT, for connecting (with key on this end)
3. No other local/user certs installed
Since an Android client connects with exact same parameters, these seems to be something on Win10 end. I found one posts suggesting I create a cert for each machine with subjectAltName = WINDOWS_MACHINE_NAME. (viewtopic.php?p=746523) Yet others say that isn't necessary, and I already have my and remote ID set to auto for the IPsec identity. My Win10 computer has only a single cert added (vpn-client-group-1), aside from my CA cert, and only a single IPsec VPN setup.
I found this doc: https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/display/ ... figuration so I ensured my Proposal includes the required auth & encr algorithms. I also ensured my root CA and client cert are installed in the local machine store as suggest.
Is there a definitive guide on how to setup a Win10 client for certificate authentication to a Mikrotik IKEv2?