So if AC #1 is connected via wired and AC #2 is connected to AC #1 via wireless(because do not want to run wire) as repeater, will both AC #1 and #2 loose speed or only AC #2 will loose speed?
Think of it as follows: no speed lost, but ....
1: the AC#1, AC#2 and all clients are in one and the same RF cell. (Even if a client cannot connect to one of the AP's, the announcement of its transmission will be captured, and every device and AP in the cell will wait.)
2: In the RF cell, only ONE device can transmit at the same time in a channel.
3: However there can be multiple non-overlapping channels (the typical 20MHz wide channel 1, 6 and 11 in the 2.4GHz band)
4: A radio set up as repeater (retransmitting) can only operate in one channel.
5: Turbo mode , or cross-band mode, for a repeater is receiving on one radio and transmitting on another.
Using the repeater in turbo or cross-band mode will have transmission even while receiving.
Using the same-channel repeater mode, will need twice the transmission time. This will half the possible throughput
Who will be slowed down? All will have to share the unique air-time. The double transmission via the repeater consumes double the airtime. Everyone waits for free channel.
Many extrapolate this to say that if 2 repeater hops are used, (AP#1-AP#2-AP#3-dev) that will have 1/4 of the throughput. Not the correct extrapolation, the packet will have to be sent 3 times, so it is 1/3. And also: using same channel WDS is as bad as repeater mode for throughput.
What band to use for wireless uplink: 2.4GHz or 5 GHz? 5 GHz has room for more wide channels, and faster interface rate, 2.4GHz is less obstructed and passes walls better. So it depends.
This is not Mikrotik specific, it is how wifi works.