I am trying to setup MLAG but I have issue with STP. Each time i am connecting the 2 bridge alltogethers the connection between them takes priority (the root port is the peer port) and RoMon Packet doesn’t traverse anymore the network. The current network is the following:
* 2 routers (CCR2004) connected to a pairs of switches (CRS317)
* connections are on a bridge « bri:dge » on each switches
I am adding the peer port (sfpplus3) and the bond on the same bridge « bridge » where are connected the routers.
When I link (plug) the switches,the sfpplus3 becomes the root port .
When both switched are connected as described above i only see using RoMon one switch and the 2 routers when connected on the bridge of one router. When I disconnect the switches (the cable between the peer ports) i can see the 2 switches and the 2 routers.
qit seems to be an issue with RSTP but I’ve no clue how to fix it. Is strange to me i have to do such config .
Any idea to fix it is welcome