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2 WAN QoS to Local Network

Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:46 pm


I've recently gotten a second internet connection and I've succeed making my Queue Tree to manage the traffic, but it will only detect the bridge traffic (combined WAN1 and WAN2 download). Since I have WAN2 with faster download, if I set a limit to the download traffic based on WAN1 for safety, I saturate the Queue Tree very quickly.

My current setup:
1. WAN1 speed is 120M/120M and WAN2 is 300M/80M and using PCC Load Balancing for this.
2. I have a VLAN for my IoTs and directing all IoT traffic to WAN2

What I would like to do is:
1. Use the ether port in simple queue (with limits) to avoid saturating the individual WANs?
2. Have my IoTs under WAN2 (as parent) to limit traffic further.
3. Limit specific traffic (like YouTube, Netflix). Can I do it in Simple Queue or should I do it in Queue Tree?
4. Does the Queue Tree act independently from Simple Queue or below the Simple Queue?

Here's my current simple Queue setup:
/queue type
add kind=sfq name=Full-Speed

/queue simple
add comment="Internal LAN transfers" name=FULL-SPEED queue=Full-Speed/Full-Speed target= total-queue=default
add limit-at=110M/115M max-limit=120M/120M name=ISP1 queue=Full-Speed/Full-Speed target=ether1-WAN1 total-queue=Full-Speed
add limit-at=75M/295M max-limit=80M/300M name=ISP2 queue=Full-Speed/Full-Speed target=ether2-WAN2 total-queue=Full-Speed
add comment="IoT Traffic" max-limit=25M/50M name=IoTs priority=1/1 queue=default/default target=vlan-iot

Here's my Queue Tree setup
/queue tree
add name=ICMP packet-mark=ICMP parent=global priority=1 queue=default
add name=Management packet-mark=Management parent=global priority=1 queue=default
add limit-at=110M max-limit=120M name="WAN1 Upstream" parent=ether1-WAN1 queue=default
add bucket-size=0.01 name="ICMP - tx1" packet-mark=icmp parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=1
add limit-at=115M max-limit=120M name="WAN1 Downstream" parent=global queue=default
add name="ICMP - rx1" packet-mark=icmp-wan1 parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=1
add name="Downloads - rx1" packet-mark=Downloads parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=6
add bucket-size=0.01 name=Uploads packet-mark=Downloads parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=6
add name="Remote Apps - rx" packet-mark=RemoteApps parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=3
add bucket-size=0.01 name="Remote Apps - tx1" packet-mark=RemoteApps parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=3
add name="Other - rx" packet-mark=other-wan1 parent="WAN1 Downstream"
add bucket-size=0.01 name="Other - tx1" packet-mark=other parent="WAN1 Upstream"
add name="DNS - tx1" packet-mark=dns parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=1
add name="Gaming - rx1" packet-mark=Gaming parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=2 queue=pcq-download-default
add name="Gaming - tx1" packet-mark=Gaming parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=2 queue=pcq-upload-default
add name="YouTube - tx1" packet-mark=YouTube parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=4
add limit-at=70M max-limit=80M name="WAN2 Upstream" parent=ether2-WAN2 queue=default
add max-limit=50M name="YouTube - rx1" packet-mark=YouTube parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=4
add max-limit=50M name="Netflix - rx1" packet-mark=Netflix parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=4
add limit-at=295M max-limit=300M name="WAN2 Downstream" parent=global queue=default
add name="DNS - rx2" packet-mark=dns-wan2 parent="WAN2 Downstream" priority=1
add bucket-size=0.01 name="ICMP - rx2" packet-mark=icmp-wan2 parent="WAN2 Downstream" priority=1
add bucket-size=0.01 name="Other - rx2" packet-mark=other-wan2 parent="WAN2 Downstream"
add name="ICMP - tx2" packet-mark=icmp parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=1
add name="Gaming - tx2" packet-mark=Gaming parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=2 queue=pcq-download-default
add max-limit=50M name="Netflix - tx2" packet-mark=Netflix parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=4
add name="Browsing - rx1" packet-mark=browsing-wan1 parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=3
add name="Browsing - tx1" packet-mark=browsing parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=3
add name="Downloads - tx2" packet-mark=Downloads parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=6
add name="YouTube - rx2" packet-mark=YouTube parent="WAN2 Downstream" priority=4
add name="DNS - rx1" packet-mark=dns-wan1 parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=1
add name="DNS - tx2" packet-mark=dns parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=1
add name="Browsing - tx2" packet-mark=browsing parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=3
add name="Browsing - rx2" packet-mark=browsing-wan2 parent="WAN2 Downstream" priority=3
add name="Managment - rx1" packet-mark=managment-fw-wan1 parent="WAN1 Downstream" priority=3
add name="Managment - rx2" packet-mark=managment-fw-wan2 parent="WAN2 Downstream" priority=3
add name="Managment - tx1" packet-mark=managment-fw parent="WAN1 Upstream" priority=3
add name="Managment - tx2" packet-mark=managment-fw parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=3
add name=No-mark packet-mark=no-mark parent="WAN1 Downstream"
add bucket-size=0.01 name="Other - tx2" packet-mark=other parent="WAN2 Upstream"
add name="YouTube - tx2" packet-mark=YouTube parent="WAN2 Upstream" priority=4
add name="Gaming - rx2" packet-mark=Gaming parent="WAN2 Downstream" priority=2 queue=pcq-upload-default

FYI, I've learnt most of setting up the Mikrotik purely from website resources and YouTube videos so my understanding is very limited. Any help is appreciated.