If you look at "why" some freq are limited to indoor use only (avoiding interference with priority services), then it is clear that legal "outdoor only" freq do not exist in Europe.
There are "indoor only" and "also outdoor" freq in the legally allowed list. There is no difference in EIRP values for indoor or outdoor.
ETSI only earmarks some freq as "indoor use only".
So when AP is outdoor use "installation=outdoor", when indoor use "installation=any" to use all possible legally allowed freq. If one uses "installation=indoor" then only the unspecified and the "indoor" freq can be selected, excluding the "outdoor" marked freq. (They are legally allowed, but excluded by this setting).
Switserland allows more than ETSI in Europe. See chapter 6 Standards, frequencies and transmit powers for WLANs in Switzerland in :
https://www.bakom.admin.ch/dam/bakom/en ... t_wlan.pdf
Or more official:
https://www.ofcomnet.ch/api/rir/1010 .
Guess what ... 5730-5870 is not in there ?????
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