My new provider is only offering DS-Lite (provider NAT IPv4 and /56 IPv6 prefix) so I have to deal with IPv6 now. To be honest I've always tried to avoid IPv6 because it's so much more complex than IPv4 to me.
The goal: Get a global IPv6 address for my server to make it available from outside. For IPv4 reachability I'll later on use a VPS with fixed public IPv4 address that forwards traffic to my IPv6 address.
Testing scenario: RB4011 with FW 7.1.3. Linux Mint 20 desktop pc in VLAN "MGMT_VLAN" with Dual-Stack configured running a simple webserver.
The problem: The PC is only getting a link local fe80 address. Somehow neither SLAAC nor DHCPv6 are working. Btw. also treid with Win10. Same result.
What I tried so far:
- Create DHCPv6 Client on WAN interface with "Rapid Commit" and "Request prefix" checked) to get the prefix from my provider
- Assigned an IPv6 address to the VLAN (currently MGMT as my desktop is in that VLAN) and checked "Advertise"
- Activated Neighbor Discovery on VLAN
The router successfully got the prefix from the ISP. From what I understood with these configuration steps my PC should already get the prefix via SLAAC and choose an address from the pool autonomously. Am I wrong? I'd prefer using SLAAC (stateless configuration) over DHCPv6 (stateful configuration). Is this a good idea for my scenario? Did I miss something?
Strange thing: Neighbor Discovery Prefixes show an invalid entry for my bridge. Should I be worried?