Well some of this is old info. Safe distance for 20dBm was documented as about 0.15 meter in EU . It would double for a 6dBm higher power .
Full math is available now:
https://educateemf.com/what-is-a-safe-d ... fi-router/
Know your LOG math. 3dB is 0.3Bell or 0.30103 , that is the log10 value of 2. (10**0.30103= 2). (10**0.0=1) (10**2=100)
** or ^ or exp
0 dBm is 1 milliWatt , 3 dBm is 2 mW, 6dBm is 4 mW, 10 dBm is 10mW, 20 dBm is 100mW, 23 dBm is 200mW, 26dBm is 400 mW, 30 dBm is 1000mW
and then also
-3 dBm is 0.5mW, -10dBm is 0.1 mW or 100µW
So that -1 dBm is far from OFF, it is around 0.8 mW
Received signals are very weak compaired to the transmitted power . e.g. -86dBm ???
There must be a conversion table somewhere, to make it easy: Aargh yes ....
https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/pow ... to_mW.html
We also learn from the presentations by Ron Touw, that the MT radio's do not obey settings below 2 dBm (seems to be the minimum level)
Remember in the ETSI/FCC regulations there are frequencies
- that are indoor only (forbidden outdoor, would disturb priority services)
- that are outdoor also (allowed everywhere)
- I don't know of any indoor only frequencies, no one to disturb there but yourselves