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Routing incoming SMTP traffic over VPN to Exchange server in remote subnet

Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:07 pm


the issue is as follows:

Two locations, internet access each via a Mikrotik:

A) Subnet
B) Subnet

Both locations have a functioning IPsec VPN, traffic between the subnets works without problems in both directions.

Now an Exchange server is to be put into operation at location B (IP, whereby this is to accept mails directly (i.e. without a POP3 connector).

Now the special feature: The MX is not to go to the WAN IP of B, but of A, i.e. incoming mails are to be routed from A via the VPN to the Exchange at location B. The IPsec is currently without L2.

Currently the IPsec is configured without L2TP. As Src. Address is the respective LAN (for Router A LAN A), as Dst. Address is the subnet of the opposite side (for Router A LAN B).

How would you implement the requirement?

Is it absolutely necessary to use L2TP (or possibly another protocol) or can you reach the goal with additional IPsec policies? How should port forwarding and routing be implemented?

Do you have any concrete solutions / tutorials?

Thank you very much,
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Re: Routing incoming SMTP traffic over VPN to Exchange server in remote subnet

Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:52 pm

You definitely need a dst-nat rule to translate the public IP of Router A to the private address of the SMTP server.

Depending on whether you need that the SMTP server knows the actual addresses of the SMTP clients (which is often required for security related analysis) or not, you either have to add another policy (or a tunnel), or it is enough to use a src-nat rule to translate the source address of the traffic to a private one matching the existing policy.

The policy to add would be (at router A, at router B it would be a mirror one of course) src-address= dst-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=25; if you need that some some SMTP clients at Router B side could access the SMTP server locally, you need to put action=none policies before (above) the latter to shadow it, such as src-address= dst-address= protocol=tcp src-port=25 action=none.

Yet another catch, there is a safety measure in RouterOS, responders seem not to accept policies with dst-address= requested by initiators no matter what the src-address is; the workaround is two policies, with and as dst-address.
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Re: Routing incoming SMTP traffic over VPN to Exchange server in remote subnet

Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:30 pm

Hello sindy,

thanks for your reply.

As regards the way of using another policy:

At the moment, in router A we have
/ip ipsec policy
add comment="S2S VPN" dst-address= peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 src-address= tunnel=yes
In router B vice versa.

Can you provide me with a suitable second policy?

As regards the solution with src-nat rule:

Would this rule set be okay for the dst-nat part?
/ip firewall nat
add action=accept chain=srcnat comment=S2S-VPN dst-address= src-address=
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="Default Configuration" out-interface=ether1-gateway
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="Exchange Port 25" dst-port=25 in-interface=ether1-gateway protocol=tcp to-addresses=
Where exactly would I have to add the src-nat rules?

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Routing incoming SMTP traffic over VPN to Exchange server in remote subnet

Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:21 pm

Can you provide me with a suitable second policy?
I have already provided it in my previous post, which part is not clear there?

Would this rule set be okay for the dst-nat part?
/ip firewall nat
add action=accept chain=srcnat comment=S2S-VPN dst-address= src-address=
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="Default Configuration" out-interface=ether1-gateway
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="Exchange Port 25" dst-port=25 in-interface=ether1-gateway protocol=tcp to-addresses=
Where exactly would I have to add the src-nat rules?
Yes, this dst-nat rule is exactly the one you need.

As for src-nat rules, you need a rule
chain=srcnat dst-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=25 action=src-nat to-addresses=
and you need to place it before (above) the action=masquerade one.

Maybe it is actually not port 25, as it is used for plaintext SMTP; nowadays, direct SMTPS or SMTP with mandatory STARTTLS are more popular, with appropriate ports 456 and 587, respectively.
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Re: Routing incoming SMTP traffic over VPN to Exchange server in remote subnet

Tue Jun 21, 2022 6:06 am

Thanks for your helpful advice. I managed to get it running using the src-nat rule!

Nevertheless I would favour the IPsec policy way, because of - as you wrote - the security related analysis aspect. Unfortunately I did not get this running.

Currently the policy setup is as follows:

Router A (responder):
/ip ipsec policy
add dst-address= peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 src-address= tunnel=yes
add dst-address= dst-port=25 peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 protocol=tcp src-address= tunnel=yes
add dst-address= dst-port=465 peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 protocol=tcp src-address= tunnel=yes
add dst-address= dst-port=587 peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 protocol=tcp src-address= tunnel=yes

Router B (initiator):
/ip ipsec policy
add dst-address= peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 src-address= tunnel=yes
add dst-address= peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 protocol=tcp src-address= src-port=25 tunnel=yes
add dst-address= peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 protocol=tcp src-address= src-port=465 tunnel=yes
add dst-address= peer=peer1 proposal=aes256_sha512_PFS2048 protocol=tcp src-address= src-port=587 tunnel=yes

Action is always: encrypt / require / esp / proposal as stated above.

You wrote that there is a need to add two additional policies for and as dst-address. I tried it in different ways but it did not work.

Would you be so kind to provide me with a suitable CLI command and info on where to place it?

Is there anything else I should take care about?

A consecutive requirement now is how to direct outgoing SMTP traffic (connections initiated by Exchange server to dst port 25 i.e. mails by internal users the Exchange server has to deliver to recipient servers) via Router A. Currently default gateway on Exchange server is Router A. Is it possible to accomplish routing via router B only by using Mikrotik settings, i.e. not changing the default gateway within Exchange virtual machine? How would you implement this? Connection / routing marks won't work as we don't have IPsec interfaces. dst-nat on router B of port 25 to IP of router A won't work as router A is not able to see the SMTP dst server address. Again using IPsec policies? Could you provide me with an example?

Thanks a lot for your help!
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Re: Routing incoming SMTP traffic over VPN to Exchange server in remote subnet

Tue Jun 21, 2022 8:52 am

Action is always: encrypt / require / esp / proposal as stated above.
Try changing the level of all policies to unique. It should work with require but I've had cases where it didn't.
Also, if there is an active action=fasttrack-connection rule in your firewall? Depending on the overall configuration, it may interfere with operation of these additional policies. So if there is, post the complete anonymized export (see my automatic signature below).

You wrote that there is a need to add two additional policies for and as dst-address. I tried it in different ways but it did not work.
Maybe I've used wrong wording - the idea was that instead of each policy with a <=> x.x.x.x/y traffic selector, you would use two, with traffic selectors <=> x.x.x.x/y and <=> x.x.x.x/y. But it is normally only necessary if is the dst-address in the policies at responder side, which seems not to be your case.

A consecutive requirement now is how to direct outgoing SMTP traffic (connections initiated by Exchange server to dst port 25 i.e. mails by internal users the Exchange server has to deliver to recipient servers) via Router A. Currently default gateway on Exchange server is Router A. Is it possible to accomplish routing via router B only by using Mikrotik settings, i.e. not changing the default gateway within Exchange virtual machine?
I am afraid you got lost in what Router A and Router B are, so let me suppose that the default gateway of the Exchange server is Router B (172.21.79.x), and you want that the SMTP sessions initiated by the Exchange would be sent to the internet destinations from the public IP of router A.
How would you implement this?
Again using IPsec policies?
Yes, again using IPsec policies, and they would look the same except you'd swap the roles of dst-port and src-port.

The current policies say "handle whatever comes from any port of any address in the internet to port 25 (465, 587) of the Exchange" (and the mirror of this), and you'd add ones saying "handle whatever comes from port 25 (465, 587) of any address in the internet to any port of the Exchange" (and the mirror of this). The former ones handle TCP connections where the Exchange acts as a TCP server listening at port 25, the latter ones handle TCP connections where the Exchange acts as a TCP client connecting to servers in the internet listening at port 25.

But you can also switch over from bare IPsec with policies to an IPsec-protected IPIP tunnel, but you'd still need to add a routing table and mangle rules at Router B to make sure that the outgoing SMTP traffic (or maybe just all traffic to other than private destinations) of the Exchange would use the tunnel to Router A rather than the local WAN of router B.
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Re: Routing incoming SMTP traffic over VPN to Exchange server in remote subnet

Thu Jun 23, 2022 6:39 am

sindy, thank you very much for the additional info + clarification you provided.

I will try to implement some changes based on your advice next week.