Is that config export complete ?
It looks like it was truncated at the end.
How is your device supposed to be connected to ISP ?
I will assume you need to get an IP from ISP and then continue from there.
Or is there pass-through mode involved (most likely not) ?
I am puzzled by the fact you have no APN info
(this is how my LTE section looks like: first definition of APN profile, then use that profile when setting up LTE interface)
/interface lte apn
set [ find default=yes ] add-default-route=yes apn=free authentication=none default-route-distance=5 ip-type=ipv4 \
name=FRFree use-network-apn=no use-peer-dns=yes
/interface lte
set [ find ] allow-roaming=yes apn-profiles=FRFree band="" disabled=no !modem-init mtu=1500 name=lte1 network-mode=\
3g pin=<secret>
yet the part of /interface lte shows a remark a new firmware is available. Which would mean there is connection otherwise it could not check ? Still is possible since that modem is sitting before the router part, it makes direct connection.
/ip address print and /IP route print outputs will tell more ...
But as far as I know there should be some APN info with setting of default route. I guess that's why it doesn't work.