Yes, almost any outside antenna will work far better if you have anything except great coverage. Let's face it, if you have a cell site across the street, it's not gonna make a damn bit of difference. Most of us don't have a cell site across the street. Going back to my Radio Shop experience, take a police command post car that has the radio equipment inside a steel box that is inside the vehicle body. Performance SUCKS! Hook up external antennas to the various radios (WiFi, cellular, GPS, etc.) and it works FAR better.
Let me give you another real world experience. In my data cabinet at home, I have a NTP server device that uses GPS. It came with a little sqarish hockey puck antenna a little over an inch (3 cm) across with a 10 foot (3 meter) cable. I put the antenna on top of the data cabinet inside my garage. There is nothing inside between the antenna and the underside of the roof - wood construction with composition "shingles". From an RF standpoint, not bad at all - EXCEPT I have solar panels covering the garage roof - not so good. It works, but not as well as it would with the antenna in the clear. Bought a 16 foot (5 meter) extension cable and moved the antenna outside the garage with a clear view of the sky. Signals and number of satellites received improved quite a bit...
So are most of the improvements with a small "puck" antenna going to be from the fact that the antenna is outside versus inside? Or is the antenna that much better, itself?
Is there an "On The Road" antenna you would recommend that performs even better? I'd like to find an effective antenna that works well, but can stil be used when the vehicle is being driven (< 30" long for clearance purposes, and low wind load).