Hi guys,
I'd like know how make to allow only login simulaneous with freeradius and pppoe. I found Simultaneous-Use attribute, but I not found it in freeradius documentation and I not see it in freeradius dictionaries.
thank you.
UserName attribute op value
foo@foo.com.br Simultaneous-Use := 1
HI savage, It is very old post but if possible could you please post here how to do this. Sometimes my users session still active on radius server "acctstoptime=null". I can`t remove this session. When I try to use disconnect message from radius, mikrotik replies incorrect IP address of session (of course. because no active session on the router itself)Under high load, when you start missing Radius Accounting Stop messages, you're still going to have issues.
You need to implement and make use of the checkrad script as well...