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automated backup ?

Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:58 am


i am looking for a way to make backups of the config which can be used on another piece of hardware. in other producs like staros for example i can backup the config and in case the hardware fails i just restore the config on the new hardware and it works. for that purpose i had a script running to get the config of all routers as a cron job on a linux machine. i cant seem to find anything like that which works for routeros. i can export but even if i remove any mac-address information i hardly ever can restore the config properly. on top of this, on the RB532A and the daughterboard RB564 i have the effect that the ethernet ports are not always in the same sequence. ether1 on none machine is not always the same physical interface on the next machine.

i know, its a lot of issues. is there anybody who has similar problems ? how do you replace a broken piece of hardware quickly without doing the whole config from scratch ?

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Re: automated backup ?

Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:44 pm

I have the same problem Although the hardware is the same.

I have backups of some RouterOS on RB532 but i can´t restore it in other RB532 with the same hardware.
It´s one point of failure of MK.

Any help is wellcome.

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Re: automated backup ?

Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:25 pm

Unfortunately you don't have any easy one-step backup/restore to new hardware option on MT.

best way to backup your config is to script a periodic 'export file=xxx_backup' and have the router email it to you. You'll have to do some cleaning up to apply it to replacement hardware, but at least it's only copy & paste to get it on the new h/w...
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Re: automated backup ?

Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:13 pm

scripting on a routeros router is new territory for me, is there a guide somewhere ho i can to what i need ? i would need the following to happen:

1. export config to file every night with the filename 'system-id'-'YYMMDD'.rsc
2. delete file from day before on the router after exporting new file successfully
3. tftp or ftp file to a central server (linux/unix)

if step 3 is not possible i can instead collect from the server via ftp. email is pretty useless for the amount of routers we have in place. a central backup server is the preferred option.

has anyone done something similar before ?
