How can i set up either through load ballancing or something, to run 4 adsl lines as one, they are all from the same isp and have different ip's but the same gateway.
This is cheaper to do for us than getting a 2mbit dsl line.
The Freejunction solution is based on MultiLinkPPPoA. So you would need the Radius or PPPoA server at the ISP that runs the DSLAMs to have mlppp would need a MT box at the ISP too for this to work, Freejunciton CD uses MPPP
Please give me the address and route listWe can download from the radius servers speed test page at 250KB and a single ADSL line can only get 150KB, so we know the bonding works. In fact if we download from anything in the co-lo it's at least 250KB but if we download from NVIDIA it only gets 80KB.
I am not sure i understand what does this "driving the pings thru the roof" meanWould the Packing feature help on the download speed with out driving the pings thru the roof?