Few weeks ago (exactly 26th of April) i've ordered CCR2004-16G-2S+.
I setup this router on the begining of May, upgraded to stable version of 7.2.3 release which was working fine so far.
2 days ago i've added new SFP ONU, few hours later i've notice that on my units LED Fail is ON and i'm hearing strange noise with a FANs, LED Green USER is OFF (previously was after boot always ON - but might be im wrong)
Fan speed grow up, and slow down, and step is repeating in a period of couple of seconds.
In the log i found that both PSU, fail in the same moment, however UNIT is working fine.
I thought it is a to fresh upgrade because previously it was everything fine and might be, because was working under UPS, so i decided to switch to direct Power Instead.
Additionally I've decided to change the software to version 7.1.5 and i have downgraded the firmware as well, rebooted, router unit started to work fine.
After few hours, issue come up again, every reboot is resolving issue for a couple of hours.
In the SYSTEM - HEALTH when the issue apears, UNIT is reporting Temperature and Fan Speed out of Range.
Currently unit is working fine (but i've rebooted it 2 hours ago)
Health are following:
board-temperature1 42C
board-temperature2 46C
cpu-temperature 57C
fan1-speed 3570 RPM
fan2-speed 3540 RPM
psu1-state OK
psu2-state OK
sfp-temperature: 47C
temperature: 47C
Is anybody have this issue before ?
Do you know what is the Root Cause ?
I`m really dissapointed that units after 3 weeks of usage fail, which is quite new units.
For me it was expensive router, this is my home router i`m using only SFP+ slots with ONU and SFP DAC Cable to uplink to CRS328.
Router is closed in to the Closed Rack Cabinet - but it is constantly ventilated, so the temperature is not higher then 22.8C inside of closed cabinet which is 1.8C higher then the outside of a Cabinet.