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Multiple Gateway with a Over Flow Scenario

Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:36 am

Hello Guys,

We a have Multiple Gateway scenario in mind let see if its possible or not.

We have 2 WAN Links to Internet

WAN 1 = 512 kbps (unlimited)
WAN 2 = 1024 kbps (Usage Based)

We want like normally our users uses WAN1 but when WAN1 is utilizing complete 512 kbps then WAN2 gets the overflow in peak hours. We want to make our clients happy in peak time. Let us know if this scenario is possible thru RouterOS

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Re: Multiple Gateway with a Over Flow Scenario

Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:49 pm

AtifKhan -
I can't think of anyway that this could happen as a result of the first line getting 'full'. I can imagine that you could turn the second line 'on' with a script during peak times, then using the multiple gateway scheme, use the 512 twice or three times as the gateway and the 1meg (metered) line once so your clients would go out the unmetered (512) 2 to 3 times more often than going out the metered line.....

Anyone else got an idea?
