I just tried to apply script which was not using for a while and this is not working, as resume :
Script was working on 6.x.x and now this is not working on 7.6.
In few debug attempts I detected that following is not working anymore :
:global printpserverip [/system ntp client get primary-ntp]
looks like under "/system ntp client" not exists anymore "primary-ntp" and this is replaced with "servers"
Also, few wiki pages are outdated, I just checked following and can not understand is this is for 7 or this is outdated. Is there any new version compatible with router os 7.x ?
https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/pages/vi ... d=40992869
Another question is :
Is there any built in function to split string, for example from "servers" "," y want to get first one ip to variable.
Thank you in advance,