I'm currently installing Mikrotik kit in a small local charity where money is always tight. They currently use (free) OpenDNS to block access to websites but they've always wanted to be able to have two different blocking lists - one for the public VLAN/Wi-Fi and another for staff computers. NextDNS can do this with the NextDNS client on Windows and also guessing that as RouterOS is so powerful, that might be able to automatically offer different NextDNS configurations between the LAN and the VLAN used for the public network. Anyway, that would be a nice to have.
The main question though is over the NextDNS cost. It's £179/year for the paid version which I'd love to save if possible. But the free version is limited to 300,000 DNS lookups.
A question about the DNS server in RouterOS. If that was configured to act as the DNS server for the network, would it potentially reduce the number of lookups? For example, if two computers looked up bbc.co.uk in short succession, would RouterOS DNS supply the cached entry? Until one assumes the TTL expires.
My knowledge of DNS lets me down here plus what NextDNS classes as a unique request. What travels in the DNS packet to the DNS server? Is the MAC address of the requesting device passed through so it can distinguish requests from specific devices?
I normally program DNS on DHCP server etc with and so never considered this before.