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REST API "wishlist"

Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:09 am

Is there a way on how to address eventual shortcomings of the REST API?
I just got started playing with it are finding smaller issues here and there...

My list (yet):
  • CORS (naturally), for the time being I use a CORS proxy but that's just not as it should be.
  • Pagination - is there a way to do this? Having just started with the "/rest/log" (and the router) it's not that much data yet, but this might be more useful in the future when the number of logs increases.
  • Date format - again "/rest/log". The data looks like
      ".id": "*C82",
       message: "user admin logged in via api",
       time: "feb/23 13:28:18"
    The "time" field is missing the year (which is shown in the UI) and it would be easier to parse if the month would be numeric, ideally the time would be some kind of ISO format, eg. "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]"