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Cant set ppp secret comment

Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:32 am

Hello sir, im having a trouble setting up the comment for all expired ppp users, here's my code
/ppp secret
:foreach accName in=[find where profile="EXPIRED"] do={
        :local date [/system clock get date]
        :local name [get $accName name]
        :local comm [/ppp secret get [find name=$accName] comment]
        :local prof [/ppp secret get $accName profile]
        :local accNum [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Number: "] + 8) [:find $comm " Plan:"]]
        :local plan [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Plan: "] + 6) [:find $comm " Monthly"]]
        :local monthlyBill [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bill: "] + 6) [:find $comm " Contact:"]]
        :local contact  [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Contact: "] + 9) [:find $comm " Date"]]
        :local dateInstalled [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Installed: "] + 11) [:find $comm " Last"]]
        :local lastPayment [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Payment: "] + 9) [:find $comm " Expired"]]
        :local balance [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bal: "] + 5) ([:len $comm])]

        :local newComm "Acc Number: $accNum Plan: $plan Monthly Bill: $monthlyBill Contact: $contact Date Installed: $dateInstalled Last Payment: $lastPayment Expired Since: $date Bal: $total"

       set $name comment=$newComm
please help me, thankyou!
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:02 am

A snipplet can not suffice, for example $total is missing and miss also what happen before and later
        :local comm [/ppp secret get [find name=$accName] comment]
->         :local comm [get $accName comment]

        :local prof [/ppp secret get $accName profile]
->        :local prof [get $accName profile]

        set $name comment=$newComm
->        set $accName comment=$newComm

Never use field names as variable names....

Also a nice formatted code help to understand and debug, is not only visual improvement:

fixed code

/ppp secret
:foreach accName in=[find where profile="EXPIRED"] do={
# commented lines are unused
#       :local aName         [get $accName name   ]
#       :local prof          [get $accName profile]
        :local date          [/system clock get date]
        :local comm          [get $accName comment]
        :local accNum        [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Number: "   ] +  8) [:find $comm " Plan:"  ]]
        :local plan          [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Plan: "     ] +  6) [:find $comm " Monthly"]]
        :local monthlyBill   [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bill: "     ] +  6) [:find $comm " Contact"]]
        :local contact       [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Contact: "  ] +  9) [:find $comm " Date"   ]]
        :local dateInstalled [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Installed: "] + 11) [:find $comm " Last"   ]]
        :local lastPayment   [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Payment: "  ] +  9) [:find $comm " Expired"]]
#       :local expiredSince  [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Since: "    ] +  7) [:find $comm " Bal"    ]]
        :local balance       [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bal: "      ] +  5) [:len  $comm           ]]

        :local newComm "Acc Number: $accNum \
                              Plan: $plan \
                      Monthly Bill: $monthlyBill \
                           Contact: $contact \
                    Date Installed: $dateInstalled \
                      Last Payment: $lastPayment \
                     Expired Since: $date \
                               Bal: $balance"

        set $accName comment=$newComm
This code is corrected only against compiler errors, except $total that probably is defined before or is on reality $balance ???
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Thu Mar 09, 2023 3:04 am

Thankyou sir rextended , so much amazing! it works, i hope you never get tired of teaching us! long live !!!!
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Thu Mar 09, 2023 7:57 am

Sir rextended i change some of the code, but the problem i does not work? ive been so dumb, cant figure out what could be wrong
my goal here is when expired since = "blank" then add current date, else rewrite the date since it was expired
/ppp secret
:foreach accName in=[find where profile="EXPIRED"] do={
# commented lines are unused
#       :local aName         [get $accName name   ]
#       :local prof          [get $accName profile]
        :local date          [/system clock get date]
        :local comm          [get $accName comment]
        :local accNum        [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Number: "   ] +  8) [:find $comm " Plan:"  ]]
        :local plan          [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Plan: "     ] +  6) [:find $comm " Monthly"]]
        :local monthlyBill   [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bill: "     ] +  6) [:find $comm " Contact"]]
        :local contact       [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Contact: "  ] +  9) [:find $comm " Date"   ]]
        :local dateInstalled [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Installed: "] + 11) [:find $comm " Last"   ]]
        :local lastPayment   [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Payment: "  ] +  9) [:find $comm " Expired"]]
        :local expiredSince  [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Since: "    ] +  7) [:find $comm " Bal:"   ]]
        :local balance       [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bal: "      ] +  5) [:len  $comm           ]]

    :if ($expiredSince = "") do={

        :local newComm "Acc Number: $accNum \
                              Plan: $plan \
                      Monthly Bill: $monthlyBill \
                           Contact: $contact \
                    Date Installed: $dateInstalled \
                      Last Payment: $lastPayment \
                     Expired Since: $date \
                               Bal: $balance"

        set $accName comment=$newComm

    } else={

        :local newComm "Acc Number: $accNum \
                              Plan: $plan \
                      Monthly Bill: $monthlyBill \
                           Contact: $contact \
                    Date Installed: $dateInstalled \
                      Last Payment: $lastPayment \
                     Expired Since: $expiredSince \
                               Bal: $balance"

        set $accName comment=$newComm

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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:24 am

Is not needed to duplicate all the string creation and
set $accName comment=$newComm
just write it one time at the end of if /else

If :pick not find any to pick, return nil, instead of one empty string,
nil can not be copared with empty string "", not work.

You add : after Bal because some field can be confused? i suppose

revised code

/ppp secret
:foreach accName in=[find where profile="EXPIRED"] do={
# commented lines are unused
#       :local aName         [get $accName name   ]
#       :local prof          [get $accName profile]
        :local comm          [get $accName comment]
        :local accNum        [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Number: "   ] +  8) [:find $comm " Plan:"  ]]
        :local plan          [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Plan: "     ] +  6) [:find $comm " Monthly"]]
        :local monthlyBill   [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bill: "     ] +  6) [:find $comm " Contact"]]
        :local contact       [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Contact: "  ] +  9) [:find $comm " Date"   ]]
        :local dateInstalled [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Installed: "] + 11) [:find $comm " Last"   ]]
        :local lastPayment   [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Payment: "  ] +  9) [:find $comm " Expired"]]
        :local expiredSince  [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Since: "    ] +  7) [:find $comm " Bal:"   ]]
        :local balance       [:pick $comm ([:find $comm "Bal: "      ] +  5) [:len  $comm           ]]

        :if ([:typeof $expiredSince] != "str") do={
            :set expiredSince [/system clock get date]

        :local newComm "Acc Number: $accNum \
                              Plan: $plan \
                      Monthly Bill: $monthlyBill \
                           Contact: $contact \
                    Date Installed: $dateInstalled \
                      Last Payment: $lastPayment \
                     Expired Since: $expiredSince \
                               Bal: $balance"

        set $accName comment=$newComm
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:30 pm

Thankyou again Sir! now it works !!!
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Wed Jun 14, 2023 3:50 pm

I need help to integrate my payment solution to mikrotic to generate automaticaly the tickets.
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Thu Jun 15, 2023 1:54 am

Sir rextended please help me too here is my problem

this is what will be in the scheduler On event
:local secretName "15_36_0";
:local expirationDateTime [/system scheduler get [find name=my_house] comment];

:if ([:len $expirationDateTime] > 0) do={
  :local expirationDate [:pick $expirationDateTime 0 10];
  :local expirationTime [:pick $expirationDateTime 11 19];
  :local currentTime [/system clock get date];

  :if ($expirationDate <= $currentTime) do={
    /ppp secret set [find name=$secretName] profile=lablab;
    /ppp active remove [find name=$secretName];
    /system scheduler disable [find name=my_house];
    :log info ("Scheduler [my_house] has expired. Profile changed to [lablab] and PPP connection removed.");

This is what is in the comment
06/14/2023 05:01:00
what this should do. is it will run every 5 minutes. extract comment date info in the scheduler comment section, and compare it to current date&time. if the comment is lesser it will disable remove and change profile of the said PPP and disable the current schedule. but its not working please help
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:35 am

Ask ChatGPT for help, since you like it so much.
I don't even consider that shit.


And I don't even reply to those who spam the forum.
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Re: Cant set ppp secret comment

Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:44 pm

Thank you rextended. and its not wrong to ask chatgpt for help.. cause i dont know anything about mikrotik, but im trying.
I apologize for the spam post guys. had been little desperate to have an answer. tried to delete some for it not to spam but it doesn't allow me