After setting up kid-control I realised there is a new firewall filter rule which just makes a jump to a new firewall chain kid-control. This kid-control firewall chain is where "a magic happens". Devices (their IP addresses) are added dynamically to kid-control chain and their traffic is either accepted or dropped. Those rules seem to be correct.
IMHO, the problem is with the first rule, which is added at the TOP of the firewall stack.
Code: Select all
/ip firewall filter
add action=jump chain=forward comment="jump to kid-control rules" jump-target=kid-control
Firstly, there are no limits to this rule. At least it should be allowed just for established and related connections. This way every connection to the IP address of any device managed by kid-control is accepted regardless on other rules in the firewall stack.
Secondly, the last rule in kid-control firewall chain should be "return" in order to process the other firewall rules.
And, finally, it should be properly described in the documentation. The current documentation doesn't describe this new concept. (
I know, I can modify the first firewall rule (i.e. a jump to the kid-control chain). It seems to "survive" disabling and enabling the kid-control. But it should be advised to do that in docs, I guess.
Am I missing something?