Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:24 pm
then you should also be concerned about the thermal contribution of the devices located above and below the 4 x rb5009 combo
in each case there may be numerous variables that influence the final result
off course you can't expect the same thermal behavior
i think the most problematic situation is the vertical proximity between each pair of rb5009 an the potential contact area between them and cosecuently loss of contact with surrounding air
i think the most wise will be use the scheme of 4 x rb5009 in 1 RU in well ventilated site, if you have an already complicated thermal situation is not wise to make it worse stacking passsive equipment
i dont say that it will not work but surely you willl have hotter temperatures not only on rb5009's, on close equipment you will see its temperature rise aswell
to the compendium of good ideas just add 10G BASE-T modules to the Mix, Why not ???