I've got a CRS309-1G-8S and it works nicely. I am using it to route, and the connection is PPPoE. It uses about 75-80% CPU at 1Gbps. So I don't think it will do much better. It has twice the resources of the CRS125, and the performance is only marginally better. I also can't overclock it, which can be done with the CRS125.
The setup is as simple as it gets. All ports bridged, PPPoE client connected to the bridge. The routes for the PPPoE connection don't show as HW Offloaded. This page doesn't clearly state no HW Offloading for PPPoE, but that seems to be the case: https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/display/ ... Offloading
I'm happy with it, but are there any secret enhancements that can be done to squeeze a bit more out of it?