My tower has 4 bands (20,1,3,7) and 1-7 beaming 4x4 MIMO.
I notice, that looks like 4x4 MIMO don’t work as soon CA takes place.
Code: Select all
/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QRSRP"
output: +QRSRP: -88,-93,-140,-140
if i remove CA (by forcing to use only 1 band) then 4x4 MIMO kicks and i see something like this:
Code: Select all
/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QRSRP"
output: +QRSRP: -88,-93,-90,-92
Code: Select all
model: EG18-EA
revision: EG18EAPAR01A12M4G
current-operator: LV TELE2
# apr/18/2023 11:24:17 by RouterOS 7.8
# software id = RFMG-YXHU