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Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:39 pm
by hugomon
I bought an Xpon dfp-34x-2c2 and here in Brazil I need to send the serial number in Hexadecimal format to the OLT. However, the Xpon dfp-34x-2c2 only allows you to put it in HWTCA1B2C3D4 format.
When putting in Hex, do not enter the last 4 characters in Hex, leaving 48575443A1B2.
Is there any way to put all Hex in GPON SN
Did you use
flash set GPON_SN HWTCA1B2C3D4
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 2:29 pm
by alexandrerpo
Using Putty by telnet I type all the hex 48575443A1B2C3D4 enter but it only accepts 48575443A1B2. Here I need to send everything in Hex, the net provider only accepts everything in Hex.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:33 pm
by hugomon
Use HWTC for 48575443, so run
flash set GPON_SN HWTC12345678
(use ASCII)
Also need to set PON_VENDOR_ID
More info in Anime4000 repo: ... md#gpon_sn
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:18 am
by andreluis034
I have a Nokia G-010S-A with the firmware 3FE46398BGCB22 and I got it working with my ISP, however it is a pain in the ass to work with. The "Ethernet" port will only be accessible after plugging in a fibre. I have seen other people using this module without plugging in anything, is there anyway to modify my module such that I do not need to plug anything in order to access ssh/web page?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:13 am
by JeanPierre
For future reference for all
A user from France
hwti has a page on github dedicated to this SFP module
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:11 pm
by JeanPierre
I followed the link provided. The manufacturer replied that SFP ONUs cannot support 2500base-T. The RTL8221B is designed for normal size ONTs as they only have room to add an RJ-45 port.
It is possible that the RB5009 will add support for 2500Gbps with auto-negotiation disabled, as they have done with other models, though it took 2-3 years before support materialized.
The existing switch chip 88E6393X used in RB5009 supports 2500BASE-X natively
Marvell® Link Street® 88E6393X device is a single-chip, 11-Port
Ethernet Switch with eight integrated 10/100/1000Mbps
Ethernet transceivers and 3 high speed SerDes interfaces
supporting USXGMII, 10GBASE-R, 5GBASE-R, 2500BASE-X,
This was quick. As you all probably know
What's new in 7.7beta4 (2022-Oct-27 09:00):
*) sfp - added 2.5G SFP module support for RB5009;
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:53 pm
by roolezz
Hi @jjeziorny,
I am also in Spain. I have Movistar ISP with IPTV. You can confirm if the SFP Technicolor is compatible with movistar multicast/Triple Vlan.
I have tried with the SFPs of Carlitoxxpro V.2.0 and DFP of aliexpress, without success with IPTV (yes, I have successfully configured Vlan6 + Vlan 3).
Thanks in advance.
So, my battle to get the technicolor to work with Republica movil (orange lowcost) continues.
I believe the missing piece for me is the Software Version, and I found a command to update it (
/bin/nv). I also found a command to show me the MIB table from the omci, and after some testing I relaised the maximum lenght for sw_ver is 13 chars, but the one extracted from my router is longer.
Setting software version
# nv setenv sw_version1 AR_LBFIBRA_sp-
# nv setenv sw_version0 AR_LBFIBRA_sp-
# reboot
Checking applied version, showoing only the first 13 charaters are applied.
# omcicli mib get SWImage
EntityID: 0x00
Active: 0
Committed: 0
Valid: 1
Version: AR_LBFIBRA_sp
ImageHash: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
EntityID: 0x01
Active: 1
Committed: 1
Valid: 1
Version: AR_LBFIBRA_sp
ImageHash: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
Perhaps wat I need is to set the version and then the ProductCode
AR_LBFIBRA_sp, but I haven' t been able to find a variable to use with
nv setenv that would update the ProductCode
I start trying with
omcicli mib set now, but so far no luck
# omcicli mib
Usage: omcicli mib [cmd]
create : create MIB ME
{classId, entityId, "value of all SBC attributes"}
delete : delete MIB ME
{classId, entityId}
set : set MIB ME attribute
{classId, entityId, attrName, attrValue}
get : get all MIB or any single ME class
[all | classId | tableName[, entityId]]
getcurr : get PM MIB current accumulations
{classId | tableName[, entityId]}
getalm : get all alarm or any single ME class
[classId[, entityId]]
getattr : get specefic attribute for any single ME class
[classId, entityId, attributeId]
reset : trigger MIB reset
# omcicli mib set {SWImage,00,ProductCode,AR_LBFIBRA_sp}
### The above returns the help from the command
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 4:28 pm
by Anime4000
I followed the link provided. The manufacturer replied that SFP ONUs cannot support 2500base-T. The RTL8221B is designed for normal size ONTs as they only have room to add an RJ-45 port.
It is possible that the RB5009 will add support for 2500Gbps with auto-negotiation disabled, as they have done with other models, though it took 2-3 years before support materialized.
The existing switch chip 88E6393X used in RB5009 supports 2500BASE-X natively
Marvell® Link Street® 88E6393X device is a single-chip, 11-Port
Ethernet Switch with eight integrated 10/100/1000Mbps
Ethernet transceivers and 3 high speed SerDes interfaces
supporting USXGMII, 10GBASE-R, 5GBASE-R, 2500BASE-X,
This was quick. As you all probably know
What's new in 7.7beta4 (2022-Oct-27 09:00):
*) sfp - added 2.5G SFP module support for RB5009;
Nice Mikrotik update, using 2.5Gb mode on ODI Stick is more stable and faster SFP Sync! it works right away with LAN_SDS_MODE 4 (HiSGMII PHY), no more SFP SDS Sync!
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 2:01 am
by BackON
Now i got a new GPON SFP module for testing this case is a NOKIA 3FE46899-STCA . Now im going to test it if i can change ploam and other setting. The chipset is a 3328S (i dont know the manufacturer with that X as logo)
here are internal photos
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:51 pm
by JeanPierre
Now i got a new GPON SFP module for testing this case is a NOKIA 3FE46899-STCA . Now im going to test it if i can change ploam and other setting. The chipset is a 3328S (i dont know the manufacturer with that X as logo)
The 3FE46899-STCA will not work without a dedicated gateway device. It belongs to the same category as the GPON ONU HPSP2120, an optical converter without a GPON SoC.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:42 pm
by BackON
Im testing a MA5671a with carlitoxx firmware over triple play movistar . works all without issues but the VOD from movistar+ doesnt work. i dont know why doesnt work (maybe its not capable to bypass the traffic on the sfp? with a nokia g-010g-p ont works without issues.)
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:37 pm
by rndm
Managed to get DFP-34X-2C2 working with Vodafone España NEBA connection.
But be aware VLAN for internet would be not 24 (as in VF router) but 57 (I don't really understand why).
Important update: Vodafone España obligated by law to give PLOAM_PASSWORD and PPPoE credentials by user request. On the phone they are acting like they have no idea what I want, but when I invited technician to my apartment he gave me all passwords including VF router admin password.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:23 pm
by ToTheCLI
Has anyone had PVID (Tagging VLAN) working on RB5009 with ODI DFP-34X-2C2?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 7:55 pm
by Anime4000
Has anyone had PVID (Tagging VLAN) working on RB5009 with ODI DFP-34X-2C2?
ODI Stick PVID quite janky, it did not act like Huawei MA5671a.
My ISP have LAN Port enforcement, for me, on stock 4-port ONU, my internet on LAN 2, and PVID not working either.
So, it depend on how forceful OLT begin set by ISP, ONU LAN Port assignment is stupid to begin with, this make Huawei MA5671a and it's siblings will lost connection between Router and SFP Stick.
PVID might get you into trouble where WebGUI gone
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:23 pm
by fushigi
I would recommend DFP-34X-2C2 SFP because it's cheaper, active firmware development, PVID...
Thank you very much @Anime4000 for your great work.
After reading your GitHub repository, with a bit of trial and error and after installing the firmware version V1.0-220527, I managed to get
my recently purchased SFP XPON ONU DFP-34X-2C2 working perfectly with my Internet provider (ISP) O2 from Spain . I bought it from the seller Fibershow @ AliExpress, and it took about two weeks to arrive at home in Madrid (Spain).
It had firmware V1.0-220304 from stock, so I didn't have to do anything to enter the PLOAM in hexadecimal (20 characters). It was very easy to get O5 ONU State, but unfortunately it didn't authenticate and connect PPPoE interface to have Internet. But surprisingly, it did get IP address 10.25.x.x for VoIP (VLAN3), being able to make and receive calls to the landline (phone). So undoubtedly the SFP XPON ONU was authenticated to the OLT, but for some reason it was not able to authenticate and connect PPPoE interface to have access to the Internet.
The next step was to modify the OCMI identity to try to fool the OLT, without success.
The next step was to update to firmware V1.0-220414, and try both fake OCMI and stock OMCI, with no success.
Finally, I tried updating to firmware V1.0-220527 downloaded from GitHub Anime4000 repository, with stock OMCI and it was a success, since I had authentication, PPPoE connection and Internet (VLAN6). Also VOIP (VLAN3) works perfectly. I use Mikrotik RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN using its SFP+ port, and RouterOS 7.2.3
It does not have any special configuration to make it work, with the OCMI and the stock GPON configuration (except the PLOAM, obviously)
The performance of the Internet connection is as expected, there is no difference with the previous ONU UFiber Nano G. My FTTH subscription is 600 Mbps.
Unfortunately, I cannot test if Movistar+ IPTV (VLAN2) works, since O2 does not have IPTV.
I hope this information helps other people in a similar situation, especially those who want to use O2 Spain or Movistar
And once again give my
thanks to Anime4000 for their great contribution to my success. I definitely recommend their GitHub
Hello, how do you flash the firmware V1.0-220527? The same thing happens to me. I have O2 and it only raises Vlan3, the poppe of Vlan6 does not work for me.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:53 am
by fushigi
Hello good to see if someone can help me.
Right now I have the ufiber nano g with profile 3 working. (with profile 2 it doesn't work for me) (Profile 3 FiberHome)
I try to put a Gpon huawei ma5671a (firmware openwrt sfp 7.5.13)
but it stays in state O5 gives me IP in Vlan3 (voip)
but in Vlan6 ppope does not get up, it does not give IP
I will try to test with a pfd-34x-2c2.
Is it easy to update the firmware?
With the huawei ma5671a what is the ssh command for omcicli mi get 84
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:07 pm
by Jongartik
Hi everyone!
Did anyone manage to use the ODI DFP-34X-2C2 with O2 (Movistar) ?
I received mine some weeks ago and I've been unable to get the GPON working. I only get a PLOAM Error
I read that @fushigi and @roolezz were trying to oversome some obstacles. Did you guys get any advance?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:50 pm
by berisz
The MikroTik recognizes the SFP module, but I don't know how to conjure up the configuration interface!
What do I need to configure on MikroTik?
[admin@MikroTik] > /interface ethernet monitor sfp1 ;
name: sfp1
status: no-link
auto-negotiation: done
advertising: 10M-half,10M-full,100M-half,100M-full,1000M-half,1000M-full
sfp-module-present: yes
sfp-rx-loss: yes
sfp-type: SFP-or-SFP+
sfp-connector-type: SC
sfp-link-length-9um: 20000m
sfp-vendor-name: ODI
sfp-vendor-part-number: DFP-34G-2C2
sfp-vendor-serial: GPON23081195
sfp-manufacturing-date: 23-08-19
sfp-wavelength: 1310nm
eeprom-checksum: good
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:17 pm
by vtfarah
I have the same issue, connected to the MikroTik with the module status showing as 'Yes,' but since I don't have the fiber yet, it seems to stay disabled. It has no status in Winbox and is italicized as 'disabled.
Can someone shed some light on this?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:12 am
by ToTheCLI
I have the same issue, connected to the MikroTik with the module status showing as 'Yes,' but since I don't have the fiber yet, it seems to stay disabled. It has no status in Winbox and is italicized as 'disabled.
Can someone shed some light on this?
Some Routerboards and even some media converters do not pass packets when there is no signal "Rx Loss"
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:45 am
by vuducdong
I have the same issue, connected to the MikroTik with the module status showing as 'Yes,' but since I don't have the fiber yet, it seems to stay disabled. It has no status in Winbox and is italicized as 'disabled.
Can someone shed some light on this?
You can try to disable auto negotiation and set manual with 1G Full Duplex. Please wait 1-2 minutes to order to sfp gpon auto switch around all mode (0 to 7) to correspond to your device.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:32 pm
by rndm
Managed to get DFP-34X-2C2 working with Vodafone España NEBA connection.
But be aware VLAN for internet would be not 24 (as in VF router) but 57 (I don't really understand why).
Important update: Vodafone España obligated by law to give PLOAM_PASSWORD and PPPoE credentials by user request. On the phone they are acting like they have no idea what I want, but when I invited technician to my apartment he gave me all passwords including VF router admin password.
After a year, I decided to switch to Movistar.
I spent all day today trying to get it working unless I tried to change VLAN to 1370!?
Can someone explain to me how does this work? All documentation on the internet said that Movistar works in VLAN 6. But it never worked for me in 6.
# omcicli mib get 84
EntityID: 0x1102
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 1370
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 1
EntityID: 0x1103
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 6
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 1
EntityID: 0x1104
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 3
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 1
EntityID: 0x110b
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 3
FilterTbl[2]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 6
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 2
They just map deep inside the router. 1370 is the real VLAN ID
> vlantable
TCONT_number GEMport VLAN_id UNI_interface Service Name
312 312 1370 ppp0.1 6
315 315 6 veip0.3 2
341 341 3 veip0.2 3
GEMport VLAN_id UNI_interface Service Name
312 1370 ppp0.1 6
315 6 veip0.3 2
2046 3,6
341 3 veip0.2 3
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:36 pm
by ToTheCLI
Managed to get DFP-34X-2C2 working with Vodafone España NEBA connection.
But be aware VLAN for internet would be not 24 (as in VF router) but 57 (I don't really understand why).
Important update: Vodafone España obligated by law to give PLOAM_PASSWORD and PPPoE credentials by user request. On the phone they are acting like they have no idea what I want, but when I invited technician to my apartment he gave me all passwords including VF router admin password.
After a year, I decided to switch to Movistar.
I spent all day today trying to get it working unless I tried to change VLAN to 1370!?
Can someone explain to me how does this work? All documentation on the internet said that Movistar works in VLAN 6. But it never worked for me in 6.
# omcicli mib get 84
EntityID: 0x1102
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 1370
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 1
EntityID: 0x1103
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 6
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 1
EntityID: 0x1104
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 3
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 1
EntityID: 0x110b
FilterTbl[0]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 3
FilterTbl[2]: PRI 0,CFI 0, VID 6
FwdOp: 0x10
NumOfEntries: 2
They just map deep inside the router. 1370 is the real VLAN ID
> vlantable
TCONT_number GEMport VLAN_id UNI_interface Service Name
312 312 1370 ppp0.1 6
315 315 6 veip0.3 2
341 341 3 veip0.2 3
GEMport VLAN_id UNI_interface Service Name
312 1370 ppp0.1 6
315 6 veip0.3 2
2046 3,6
341 3 veip0.2 3
That's because ODI SFP discards MIB 171 mapping of VLANs, you can check with Telnet command "omcicli mib get 171", there you will find VLAN 6 is mapped to VLAN 1370 but since the ODI SFP does not apply proper mapping you can only connect to PPPoE by VLAN 1370 only.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:38 pm
by rndm
Im testing a MA5671a with carlitoxx firmware over triple play movistar . works all without issues but the VOD from movistar+ doesnt work. i dont know why doesnt work (maybe its not capable to bypass the traffic on the sfp? with a nokia g-010g-p ont works without issues.)
Have you managed to make VOD work?
I just ordered MA5671a from Wallapop in Spain because I am sick of my DFP-34X-2C2. Recently it started randomly freezing (after 5-15 min of work) with telnet/ICMP unresponsible, and then the internet went off (maybe I got a defective item).
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:33 am
by rndm
Hello good to see if someone can help me.
Right now I have the ufiber nano g with profile 3 working. (with profile 2 it doesn't work for me) (Profile 3 FiberHome)
I try to put a Gpon huawei ma5671a (firmware openwrt sfp 7.5.13)
but it stays in state O5 gives me IP in Vlan3 (voip)
but in Vlan6 ppope does not get up, it does not give IP
I will try to test with a pfd-34x-2c2.
Is it easy to update the firmware?
With the huawei ma5671a what is the ssh command for omcicli mi get 84
The command should be
but it not works for me.
Have you managed to get it working? With my ALCL ONT ma5671a is not working
Same as you: have VLANs, can see IPTV and VOIP but no internet - PPPoE doesn't work.
ODI's stick works more or less well
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:15 pm
by rndm
Has anyone managed to get Movistar IPTV working?
I am doing everything that is needed:
IGMP proxy from VLAN2 to Deco
DHCP Server + Option 60, 240
Firewall allow + NAT/Masquerade
RIP (I can receive routes)
I can see and query DNS from but no IGMP traffic, even though Mikrotik stats show me 11 Mbps of traffic on SFP.
I use ODI DFP-34X-2C2 with 220923 firmware.
I have heard that DFP-34X-2C2 is not working with Movistar IPTV. But I reached their (ODI) tech support, and they said it should work with 220923 firmware.
I am confused.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:51 pm
by rndm
I was able to get IPTV working with ODI stick.
Details here:
In short:
Since ODI doesn't do VLAN mapping that it gets from OLT, VLAN IDs with ODI stick could be different from those listed everywhere on the internet: 6 for internet, 2 for IPTV, and 3 for telephony.
In my case, the internet comes in VLAN 1370, and Movistar IPTV traffic comes in 3 VLANs: 6 (control VLAN + Video on Demand UDP Push), 180 (SD channels multicast), and 182 (HD channels multicast).
After you set IP for the IPTV interface, RIP, and IGMP, you need to do 2 things:
1. Forward multicast from VLANs 180 and 182, adding them to the bridge.
2. Forward UDP Push that is used for Video on Demand from VLAN 6 Interface IP ( to Deco.
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:25 pm
by tzaman
It's been a while since I commented in this thread because I've successfully replaced my ISP SFP GPON in one from but only now decided to make a video about it, to help others that might stumble upon this thread.
Here you go:
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:02 pm
by ToTheCLI
It's been a while since I commented in this thread because I've successfully replaced my ISP SFP GPON in one from but only now decided to make a video about it, to help others that might stumble upon this thread.
Here you go:
Nice video Tomaz!!
If only you stumbled upon this thread sooner you would have realized the only thing you needed in your case was the SN(No Ploam, LOID,SW Ver or HW Ver)
BTW, did you change Vendor ID on the FS SFP? and to what?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:38 pm
by smotrov
I have EPON ISP.
They white listed MAC of my RB5009 SFP port. They can see it on their side.
I'm using DFP-34X-2C2 and link is Ok. I can access web UI, telnet etc.
I even receive network settings over DHCP with no problem. However, I can not access internet because I can not ping from router anything ISP Gateway, ISP DNS, or even their DHCP sever. Everything is timed out.
I have try all ON settings using flash set. RB5009 routing, WAN, NAT looks as it supposed to, but nothing helps.
Meanwhile at the same router DFP-34X-2C2 was working out of the box, until I bricked it.
Could it be something on my side? In router or module settings? Or there is something blocking me on the ISP side?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:42 pm
by rb9999
Hi guys... I'd need some help with FS GPON ONU SFP module. I watched Tomaz's yt and bought couple of the modules myself. Instead of the Fritzbox the ISP provided another ONT - Innbox G23. I replicated serials/MACs/... as close as I could and in gtop everytrhing seems fine, but instead of passing the VLANs through the VLAN's tag is replaced (packets are still 802.1q, but instead of 3909 the tag is 0).
Here's the partial gtop output... hope someone has an idea what could be done...
ID: 18
32; ; ;3909; ; ;
33; ; ; ; ; ;1
36; ; ;3909; ; ;
37; ; ;3972; ; ;
38; ; ; ; ; ;1
40; ; ;3972; ; ;
41; ; ; ; ; ;1
ID: 42
;;;enable;;;ethertype filter;;;;;outer;;;;;;;inner;;;;;;
no;end;def;two;one;zero;5;4;3;2;1;de enable;de filter;input tpid enable;vid enable;vid filter;priority enable;priority filter;de enable;de filter;input tpid enable;vid enable;vid filter;priority enable;priorit
y filter
0; ;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
1; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;2000; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
3; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
4; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
5; ;1; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
6; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
7;1;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
64; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
65; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3972; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
66; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
67; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
68; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
69; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
70;1;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
128; ;1; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
129; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
130;1;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
GPE VLAN treatment
ID: 43
no;inner not generate;outer not generate;discard enable;tpid;vid;treatment;tpid;vid;treatment
0;1;1;1; ; ;15; ; ;15
1;1;1; ;2;3909; 9; ; ;15
2;1;1; ;2;3972; 9; ; ;15
3;1;1; ;2;3909; 9; ; ;15
4; ; ;1; ; ;15; ; ;15
5;1;1; ;6;3909; ;4; ;15
6;1; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
7; ; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
64;1;1; ;6; ; 9; ; ;15
65;1;1; ;6;2000; 9; ; ;15
66;1;1; ;6;3909; 9; ; ;15
67;1;1; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
68;1;1; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
69;1; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
70; ; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
128;1;1; ;6;2000; ; ; ;15
129;1;1; ;3;2000; 9; ; ;15
130; ;1; ;3;2000; 9; ; ;15
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:22 pm
by ToTheCLI
Hi guys... I'd need some help with FS GPON ONU SFP module. I watched Tomaz's yt and bought couple of the modules myself. Instead of the Fritzbox the ISP provided another ONT - Innbox G23. I replicated serials/MACs/... as close as I could and in gtop everytrhing seems fine, but instead of passing the VLANs through the VLAN's tag is replaced (packets are still 802.1q, but instead of 3909 the tag is 0).
Here's the partial gtop output... hope someone has an idea what could be done...
ID: 18
32; ; ;3909; ; ;
33; ; ; ; ; ;1
36; ; ;3909; ; ;
37; ; ;3972; ; ;
38; ; ; ; ; ;1
40; ; ;3972; ; ;
41; ; ; ; ; ;1
ID: 42
;;;enable;;;ethertype filter;;;;;outer;;;;;;;inner;;;;;;
no;end;def;two;one;zero;5;4;3;2;1;de enable;de filter;input tpid enable;vid enable;vid filter;priority enable;priority filter;de enable;de filter;input tpid enable;vid enable;vid filter;priority enable;priorit
y filter
0; ;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
1; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;2000; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
3; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
4; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
5; ;1; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
6; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
7;1;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
64; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
65; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3972; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
66; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
67; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1;1;3909; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
68; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
69; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
70;1;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
128; ;1; ; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
129; ;1; ;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
130;1;1;1; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
GPE VLAN treatment
ID: 43
no;inner not generate;outer not generate;discard enable;tpid;vid;treatment;tpid;vid;treatment
0;1;1;1; ; ;15; ; ;15
1;1;1; ;2;3909; 9; ; ;15
2;1;1; ;2;3972; 9; ; ;15
3;1;1; ;2;3909; 9; ; ;15
4; ; ;1; ; ;15; ; ;15
5;1;1; ;6;3909; ;4; ;15
6;1; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
7; ; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
64;1;1; ;6; ; 9; ; ;15
65;1;1; ;6;2000; 9; ; ;15
66;1;1; ;6;3909; 9; ; ;15
67;1;1; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
68;1;1; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
69;1; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
70; ; ; ; ; ;15; ; ;15
128;1;1; ;6;2000; ; ; ;15
129;1;1; ;3;2000; 9; ; ;15
130; ;1; ;3;2000; 9; ; ;15
You can try OpenWRT firmware on the FS SFP it might work...
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:00 pm
by rb9999
You can try OpenWRT firmware on the FS SFP it might work...
Do you happen to have a link and/or howto?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:27 pm
by ToTheCLI
You can try OpenWRT firmware on the FS SFP it might work...
Do you happen to have a link and/or howto?
Contact me on Discord itsahamemario
This is the Discord server for GPON SFPs
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in SpainHey
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:39 am
by sonicgod
Hey guys,
Any chance to replace Avatel's Huawei router with RB4011 and gpon SFP module? Still looking for working solutions

Thanks in advance
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:00 pm
by z1ckb0y
Now i got a new GPON SFP module for testing this case is a NOKIA 3FE46899-STCA . Now im going to test it if i can change ploam and other setting. The chipset is a 3328S (i dont know the manufacturer with that X as logo)
The 3FE46899-STCA will not work without a dedicated gateway device. It belongs to the same category as the GPON ONU HPSP2120, an optical converter without a GPON SoC.
I got myself one of these. NOKIA 3FE46899AB , will it work for me?

Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:40 am
by gmas
I was able to get IPTV working with ODI stick.
Details here:
In short:
Since ODI doesn't do VLAN mapping that it gets from OLT, VLAN IDs with ODI stick could be different from those listed everywhere on the internet: 6 for internet, 2 for IPTV, and 3 for telephony.
In my case, the internet comes in VLAN 1370, and Movistar IPTV traffic comes in 3 VLANs: 6 (control VLAN + Video on Demand UDP Push), 180 (SD channels multicast), and 182 (HD channels multicast).
After you set IP for the IPTV interface, RIP, and IGMP, you need to do 2 things:
1. Forward multicast from VLANs 180 and 182, adding them to the bridge.
2. Forward UDP Push that is used for Video on Demand from VLAN 6 Interface IP ( to Deco.
Hey I'm also in the process of configuring a dfp-34x-2c2 stick with Movistar Spain. Did you have to set anything other than ploam password (the "IDONT" value on the HGU) ?
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 10:50 pm
by spirou54
i flashed an Huawei MA5671A with cartilov1 the downlaod is ok uplaod i get 234 intead of 700 . i use command fw_setenv mib_file data_1g_8q_us1280_ds512.ini but it didn't change any thing. hanks for your help
Re: Usage GPON module SFP in Spain
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:34 pm
by ashway
I'm using an ODI DFP-34G-2C2 SFP stick in RB5009 with Vodafone in Spain. The configuration was straightforward, and I got a PPPoE connection working. However, I'm experiencing intermittent drops of PPPoE sessions from 2 and up to 10 times per day. According to debug logs, the disconnects are initiated by the remote side:
Feb/14/2025 16:13:10 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: pppoe-out1: rcvd LCP EchoReq id=0x7e
Feb/14/2025 16:13:10 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: <magic 0xa5fae971>
Feb/14/2025 16:13:10 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: pppoe-out1: sent LCP EchoRep id=0x7e
Feb/14/2025 16:13:10 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: <magic 0x2eaeede1>
Feb/14/2025 16:13:21 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: pppoe-out1: rcvd LCP EchoReq id=0x7e
Feb/14/2025 16:13:21 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: <magic 0xa5fae971>
Feb/14/2025 16:13:21 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: pppoe-out1: sent LCP EchoRep id=0x7e
Feb/14/2025 16:13:21 pppoe,ppp,debug,packet pppoe: <magic 0x2eaeede1>
Feb/14/2025 16:13:33 pppoe,debug,packet pppoe: vlan100: rcvd PADT from 00:00:5E:00:01:0A
Feb/14/2025 16:13:33 pppoe,debug,packet pppoe: session-id=0x0001
I'm wondering if anybody else is experiencing the same behavior or the opposite - if your PPPoE connection to Vodafone is working without disconnects, please let me know.