I decided to upgrade a existing office accesspoint with a RB912 board to AC performance, so I got a RB922-board.
After initial configuration I measured absolutley horrible performance, about 1-2Mbps with wireless. I tried all kind of settings and even at basic 11a mode it was terrible. Then I saw that the Ethernet-port had several linkdowns. I took a look at the switch (RB260GS) and there was thousands of FCS Errors, Pause and packet drops.
I created two VLAN's and tried some simple routing, and the performance is even worse(!) iperf sometime reports 0kbps as the link just dies.
So far i have tried:
- Different powersupplies
- Many different cables, cat5e and cat6
- Factory reset
- Two different switches
- With and without traffic-flow
- 100Mbps/FDX - and then I can reach about ~80Mbps VLAN-routing, still with errors/drops
The RB912 had no problems with VLAN routing, peaking at 600-700Mbps.
Is there anything else I could try or is it a case of RMA?