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Confused with Load Balancing and Hotspot

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:19 pm
by kzla
Hello there !
I am a nebie and just started using mikrotik a month ago.
I own a hAP Lite with Hotspot running on its LAN port.

Configuration is like this : Internet -------> WAN (Ether1 hAP Lite) LAN Output running DHCP & Hotspot (Ether2)

It's been a while and this thing is working like a charm.
I got a new project to fix a internet connection in Hotel with a working LAN based hotspot working (Same as above) so decided to ask the forum guys to have a look at it.

What I currently have


I currently have 3 links there each of 2 MBPS (RJ45 LAN, PPPoE Server on ISP's Mikrotik) .. They are PPPoE links and are required to be dialed in order to be used.

My doubts

1. Can I use 3* PPPoE links (WAN1 on ether1,WAN2 on ether2, WAN 3 on ether3) and aggregate them to use them on a single Ethernet Hotspot (LAN output running DHPC and Hotspot) ?

2. Can I use Usermanager on Hotspot (Ether4) as it will ease my work with voucher generation and giving to clients for using internet ?

Any tutorials or videos are appreciated :)
Thanks in advance :D

Re: Confused with Load Balancing and Hotspot

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:34 pm
by abhsek
Yes you can configure that by following some simple steps.
You can first seup the ppoe on each interface so that you'll have interent from isp.
Make sure to run on all interfaces that connect to internet.
and then setup loadbalancing with failover so that if one wan fails users can browse through rest of the two lans.
i have uploaded a video,here's link.This is exact what you need.

and here's the script

Happy Load Balancing.
Remember me in your thought.