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How to use maximum available bandwidth

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:33 pm
by mfrabbibd
Dear Mikrotik friends,

I'm using Mikrotik CCR1009 8G 1S-1S+ for my WISP. I've configured PPPoE server with Usermanager. Currently I'm using 20Mbps fiber connection for Backbone and I've 30 users at the moment. All the users are not online at the same time. Sometime I found only 5 to 10 customers are online at a time, so I want the total 20Mbps might be share equally for those online customers. When all the customers are online then they should be getting the appropriate speed providing by me.
Please help me regarding this issue.

My packages are 256Kbps, 512Kbps, 1Mbps, 2Mbps

Best Regards,
Md. Fazle Rabbi

Re: How to use maximum available bandwidth

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:38 pm
by Caci99
This will involve queue tree, address list and mangle.
In the pppoe profile do not create limits, instead add the users to address lists which would represent the packets you are offering to the customers. Address list for 256kbps users, for 512kbps and so on.
Then, use mangle to mark traffic from these address lists.
Once packets are marked, use queue tree with these marks to limit and distribute the traffic. Remember to use pcq queue type which is capable of distributing the traffic evenly to all active users.
You would need to do some learning about child and parent queues, and pcq.

Re: How to use maximum available bandwidth

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:02 pm
by mfrabbibd
Dear Friend, can you please provide me a demo or script for that issue? Thanks.