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feature request: comment field in crs switch vlan config

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:48 pm
by doneware
it would be soo nice to have a comment attribute in the switch CLI so i can remember why i configured that vlan.
right now everything is cool inside the "router part", but the switch config is clunky.
i'd also have a vlan name there - similar to the interface names in routerOS.
a name what i could use to reference to VLANs as objects in other part of the switch configuration:
/interface ethernet switch vlan add name="management" vlan-id=666 comment="guess what is this" ports="ether1,ether2"
/interface ethernet switch ingress-vlan-translation add ports=ether1 new-customer-vid=management
/interface ethernet switch egress-vlan-tagging add tagged-ports=ether2 vlan-id=management
this is just for UI interaction and abstraction. of course the actual values need to be programmed into the switch chip, and i understand the consequences: when i change something in a vlan object, it needs to re-program all the stuff which is normally generated by the other config commands referencing somehow the changed vlan object.

but the comment part is piece of cake. please.

Re: feature request: comment field in crs switch vlan config

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:14 am
by jkaberg
I'd also like to see this, would make it a lot easier to remember things you've set/done.

Re: feature request: comment field in crs switch vlan config

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:52 pm
by paulct
+1 It would be very useful.