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Winbox Keeps showing "Downloading Plugins" while connecting. PLEASE HELP

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:12 pm
by aanahin
I have configured some routers for clients and when they ask for support I can not connect through WinBox or WebFig.

When I try to connect through Winbox it shows "Downloading Plugins from <IP>"
Screenshot (81).png
and webfig doesnot open up, but I can easily log int through Telnet.

Here are some details:

[admin@MikroTik] /ip firewall filter> pr
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic 
 0    ;;; Premium IPS
      chain=forward action=accept src-address= log=no log-prefix="" 

 1    ;;; Facebook/Whatsapp
      chain=forward action=drop src-address= layer7-protocol=Social log=no log-prefix="" 

 2    ;;; Viber
      chain=forward action=drop src-address= layer7-protocol=Viber packet-mark=VIBERpackets log=no log-prefix="" 

 3    chain=forward action=drop src-address= packet-mark=VIBERpackets content=viber log=no log-prefix="" 

 4    ;;; Torrent
      chain=forward action=add-src-to-address-list src-address= src-address-list=!allow-bit 
      address-list=Torent-Conn address-list-timeout=2m layer7-protocol=Torrent log=no log-prefix="" 

 5    chain=forward action=add-src-to-address-list p2p=all-p2p src-address= src-address-list=!allow-bit 
      address-list=Torent-Conn address-list-timeout=2m log=no log-prefix="" 

 6    chain=forward action=drop protocol=tcp src-address-list=Torent-Conn dst-port=!0-1024,8291,5990,3389,14147,5222,59905 log=no 

 7    chain=forward action=drop protocol=udp src-address-list=Torent-Conn dst-port=!0-1024,8291,5990,3389,14147,5222,59905 log=no 

 8    chain=forward action=drop src-address= layer7-protocol=TorrentSites log=no log-prefix="" 

 9    ;;; Exotic
      chain=forward action=drop src-address= layer7-protocol=Exotic log=no log-prefix="" 

10    ;;; Online Gaming
      chain=forward action=drop src-address= layer7-protocol=OnlineGames log=no log-prefix="" 

[admin@MikroTik] /ip route> print 
Flags: X - disabled, A - active, D - dynamic, C - connect, S - static, r - rip, b - bgp, o - ospf, m - mme, 
B - blackhole, U - unreachable, P - prohibit 
 #      DST-ADDRESS        PREF-SRC        GATEWAY            DISTANCE
 0 A S                             1
 1 ADC      LAN_Bridge                0
 2 ADC   LAN_Bridge                0
 3 ADC   ether1                    0
 4 A S                       1
 5 A S                     1

[admin@MikroTik] /ip service> pr       
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
 #   NAME                      PORT ADDRESS                                                         CERTIFICATE                    
 0   telnet                      23                                                
 1 X ftp                         21
 2   www                         80                                                
 3   ssh                         22
 4 X www-ssl                    443                                                                 none                           
 5 X api                       8728
 6   winbox                    8291                                                
 7 X api-ssl                   8729                                                                 none       

[admin@MikroTik] /system package update> print 
            channel: current
  installed-version: 6.33.1
     latest-version: 6.33.1
             status: System is already up to date
[admin@MikroTik] /system package update> /system package pr
Flags: X - disabled 
 #   NAME                                              VERSION                                              SCHEDULED              
 0   routeros-mipsbe                                   6.33.1                                                                      
 1   system                                            6.33.1                                                                      
 2 X wireless-cm2                                      6.33.1                                                                      
 3 X ipv6                                              6.33.1                                                                      
 4   wireless-fp                                       6.33.1                                                                      
 5   hotspot                                           6.33.1                                                                      
 6   dhcp                                              6.33.1                                                                      
 7   mpls                                              6.33.1                                                                      
 8   routing                                           6.33.1                                                                      
 9   ppp                                               6.33.1                                                                      
10   security                                          6.33.1                                                                      
11   advanced-tools                                    6.33.1       
Please Help!

Re: Winbox Keeps showing "Downloading Plugins" while connecting. PLEASE HELP

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:24 pm
by aanahin
Here are some screenshots:
Screenshot (86).png
Screenshot (85).png
Screenshot (87).png

Re: Winbox Keeps showing "Downloading Plugins" while connecting. PLEASE HELP

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:25 pm
by aanahin
Screenshot (88).png

Re: Winbox Keeps showing "Downloading Plugins" while connecting. PLEASE HELP

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:55 pm
by aanahin

Re: Winbox Keeps showing "Downloading Plugins" while connecting. PLEASE HELP

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:18 am
by psurmont
thats a usual problem Mikrotik routers. They will say to you to delete the appdata mikrotik directory but it s not always a solution.

Re: Winbox Keeps showing "Downloading Plugins" while connecting. PLEASE HELP

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:34 am
by jarda
I had this situation several times and deletion of temporary data was always working solution.
I suggest to use newest winbox too.