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SXT SA5 ac as client access point?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:01 pm
by Jeroen1000
Hi everyone

I'm looking for directional wireless coverage for a secondary building across the main building. Some wireless camera's will be stationed there. Distance between main building and secondary building is about 30 meters. There is full line of sight.

So my plan is to screw a SXT SA5 ac to the main building and have the camera's wireless connect to the SXT SA5 ac.
Can the SXT SA5 ac work as an traditional AP and proved such coverage? Or am I looking at the wrong product?

Re: SXT SA5 ac as client access point?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:10 pm
by pukkita
If you pretend to connect via the camera inbuilt wireless, it will depend on the camera wireless.

If I were to deploy a similar setup, I wouldn't use the camera inbuilt wireless, I'd get the wired version of the camera, and a couple of SXT 5 Lite, or Lite ac, then setup a PTP.

If you plan to install more cameras, then I'd use SXT 5 SA or SA ac for the main building, and SXT 5 Lite/ac for the cameras.

Why? Because you can easily face the situation where the camera "sees" the SXT signal, (in fact you'll had probably to lower its tx power or the camera will "see it at -30 or more) but the SXT cannot "hear" the camera, due to its inbuilt wireless power and omni antenna.

Setting up a PTP or PTMP will bring you more advantages, like avoiding regular 802.11 and using either nstreme or nv2, adding more performance, reliability and security.

You`ll also have more fine grained control, in the event of facing a crowded spectrum, you'll be able to use smaller width channels, don't know which kind of resolution your camera will have, but even being HD 20MHz 10MHz could be enough.

At such distance you'll have to lower SXT's tx power, and with some tuning will pass 100Mbps TCP at 0-2ms with ease (SXT5 Lite, 40MHz).

Re: SXT SA5 ac as client access point?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:28 am
by Jeroen1000
Hi Pukkita

Thank's for replying
Most important question: How do you mean it will depend on the camera's wireless? Can the SXT 5 SA ac function as a normal (like a home AP) AP and broadcast an SSID? I.e. Say I have 3 laptops (=clients) in range, can the just connect to it and from there on be routed to the internet by the router I have in place?

Some tests (with a regular AP) have shown that the camera's have no issues with 30 meters of distance. However, I do not want an AP that transmits omnidirectional because of the AP's in the main building cannot be disturbed. That why I want a directional AP.

Your concerns are of course valid but don't apply in my specific case.
ps: they are special purpose camera's. Wired is not an option at the moment.

Re: SXT SA5 ac as client access point?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:02 pm
by pukkita
If you already tested the camera and there's no problem, then a SXT SA in 802.11 mode will work.

Yes, the SXT5 SA in 802.11 will work with any "standard" 802.11 device in 5GHz.

Re: SXT SA5 ac as client access point?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:10 am
by lamclennan
Just to revive this for anyone else who comes across it.

I've set-up a SXT SA5 as a client AP and it is working well. 5Ghz n and ac clients are working fine. Currently the furthermost line of sight is about 120m. However, it's penetrating 10 meters into apartments 50m away. Maybe another 20m as you go over the hill too.

I have my power settings set to regulatory domain for Australia so on channel 149 (Ce) the max tx power with the 13dBi antenna should be about 16dBm I think to be legal in Australia.

Here is the data standing 120m away with my phone (HTC M9, laptop is better again) having a direct line of sight minus some extremely light tree foliage.
RSSI of -66dBm
SXT is zip tied to to a vent pipe (there is an earthed TV antenna that is higher close by)
Response times
The view

As for the throughput I've not done anything too stressful. The internet here is 30mbit and it does that easy.