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Multiple Mikrotik routers with Usermanager

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:19 am
by kzla
At site B, I have RB2011 conifgured as
WAN = PPPoE Client with assigned IP
LAN = (Hotspot running with Usermanager)
I use usermanager to generate vouchers for clients here as they use hotspot.

At Site A, I have hAP Lite configured as
WAN= PPPoE Client with assigned IP
LAN= (Hotspot only)

I want to manage the Site A with Usermanager running at site B

It is interesting that When I am at site A (hAP Lite), I can access Usermanager of Site B (RB2011) by logging into and When at site B I can access hAP Lite too.

I now want to manage hAP Lite with Usermanager running on RB2011 at Site B.
Any ideas ?
