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How to divide bandwidth?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:00 am
by arunmkr
Hello All,
I am new to mikrotik. I tried to figure out how to divide bandwidth for a while but I dont find any good solution.
I hope you guys can help me out. General idea would also be great. :)

Use Case
Pre configurations: There are 6 Address pools.Total bandwidth is 600M. For one address pool, say A, is assigned with 100M bandwidth. Rest of the regular address pool be denoted as B and will get remaining bandwidth. At most A can take 100M.

Cases A:

Address pool A uses all of the allocated bandwidth. It cannot have any more bandwidth regardless of the resource availability in B.

Case B:

Address pool B uses all of the allocated bandwidth. There is still free bandwidth in A. So, B can use bandwidth from A.

Case C:

Both pool are in full use of its resource. New user comes in pool A. This user is given required bandwidth from the resources allocated to B since there are no more free bandwidth in A. ie. B has to free up some resource for the new user.

Case D:
Both pool are in full use of their resource. New user comes in pool B. No such thing is done as done previously for user in A. It has to wait for its turn to use resource from B.

Re: How to divide bandwidth?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:29 am
by fibernetwork
This forum tells something about bandwidth split. Hope it can help.

Re: How to divide bandwidth?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:18 am
by simenskaa