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Help! mark upload and download traffic mangle v6

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:24 am
by nightshadow36
Hello all :)

OK I paid for a script a long time ago for QOS I think it was by Butch.
This off course is very outdated now. I would like to try and learn to make my own QOS.
I have been reading in lots of forums but must of it also seems out dated and so many differnt ways i dont know which is the best way.

I am using V6
If possible i would like to ask the first basic question so i can start corretly.
Whats the best way in V6 to mark download and upload traffic?

If possible could some one post a sinple rule on how to mark upload and download http traffic with mangle.
Once I know this it would be a case of just adding what i need.

Thank you.